(Request) Perjasico- Fights

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Requested by PercyTheMerboy, hope you enjoy :)

Nico's POV

     Secrete glares, fiery scowls and hidden words of mocking is what my life had become the last few months. Jason- the little bastard- knew I liked Percy and had decided to follow my lead.

     Annabeth had an affair with Piper, ending the Percabeth and Jiper relationships quickly. This lead to some realization on Jason's side, bitterness from my side and obliviousness on Percy's side.

     Jason and I were constantly bickering and fighting. My argument was that he's a bitch-ass copier and that Percy is mine because I liked him first. His argument is you can't control love. Sure his sounds more professional but I think I have the upper hand here. This, in my eyes, is a betrayal.

     I know, it may seem petty, but Jason found out that I liked Percy. He knew how much it plagued me, how much it hurt that I knew I couldn't get him, yet he stumbled in here like a confused puppy and decides to like Percy alongside me when I finally have a slim chance. I call that betrayal. I felt stabbed from the back. By someone I was finally starting to form a friendship with, none the less.

     That only made it worse.

     Of course, as soon as Percy came around, we'd act perfectly friendly and normal, smiling and joking with each other. Then we'd claw each others eyes out with harsh words of discouragement and loathing.

     "Looking ill as ever, di Angelo," Jason snapped, glaring at me as we walked. We were in the back of our little "posse," everyone else laughing and joking ahead of us.

     "I see your ego continues to grow with every minute, Grace."

     Jason scowled at me, purposely jabbing me with his shoulder as he sped up to walk next to Percy, making me stumble to the side slightly, his harsh look melting as Percy looked over. When Jason looked back at me, I mouthed 'You'll never get him' while shaking my head. He just scowled at me, mouthing back a variation of the same words.

     "Jason? You okay?" Percy looked at Jason, then at me. "You're glaring at Nico like he murdered your entire family. And your cat. And your fish."

     "I'm fine," Jason smiled like nothing happened. "Just joking around with him."

     Percy's eyes narrowed but he nodded. "The three of us should hang out tonight."

     "Yeah, that sounds like fun!" Jason said enthusiastically, a big fake grin plastered on his face.

     Try Hard.

     "Sure," I agreed, not nearly as enthused as Jason was putting on a show for.

     Somehow, Jason's stubbornness could also be read as determination. Pretty much synonyms; yet somehow completely different meanings in someones mind. How hard he'd try to do anything and everything. Which was, somehow, even in the midst of our fighting, a little endearing.

     After several long hours, the three of us met up with Percy in the Poseidon cabin. You could immediately tell something was off, as Percy demanded we both sit with a strict authority we only saw in battle, and even then very rarely.

     "Okay, I'm not so oblivious and dumb as to not notice that you two have been at each others throats the past couple months, and I want to know why."

      Percy had been pacing in front of us, like a parent stressing on how to properly lecture two siblings who wouldn't get along, but now he was standing in front us us, arms crossed defiantly over his chest. "And we're not leaving until you tell me."

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