(Request) Jercy- Bitter Kisses

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Requested by RoyalProxy :)))))))))

     Percy's POV

     "Fuck you, Grace."

     "Percy, relax, Jesus Christ! I'm just saying that Annabeth cheating..." Jason both visibly and audibly choked on his words, debating on how to properly word whatever he was going to say.
     I had my hand poised on the doorknob, ready to storm out as soon as another idiotic word slipped past his lips. "What? It was good? Was her cheating on me good, Grace?"

     He had told me (with Nicos permission) what had happened when they met Cupid. Was he going to try to set me up with Nico? Did he take my unfortunate situation as an opportunity to get Nico and I together? Because it was a stupid plan. Besides, Nico has a boyfriend- One that he has texted to me about for hours straight at like three in the morning.

      "Good for you," Jason tried. My jaw tightened, and so did my grip on the door knob.

      "Right. Being cheated on is such a learning experience," I sneered, unable to help myself. "I learned that just because I trust someone it doesn't mean they're trustworthy."

     "Percy..." Jason looked so helpless, yet he continued to talk. "I don't think... I don't think she treated you very well."

      "What are you, my mother or my psychiatrist? I can't tell the difference."

     Jason continued like I hadn't said anything, which kinda ticked me off. "She was always playing you down and all your accomplishments... She just shoved them down the drain."

      "No she didn't."

      "When was the last time it was 'You did it' or a congradulatory statement? It was always 'we did it' from her. She took ahold of your victories and ripped them from you arms, claiming them as them from the both of you or as her own."

     "No she didn't!" I seethed. "She was the most loving girlfriend I could ask for! I'm not surprised she cheated on me at this point; she was probably too good for me!"

     "Cheating sinks her way below worthy of you, if she were ever above you in the first place!"

     I just scoffed, regarding Jason in disgust. "Leave me alone, Grace."


     "Fuck you," I seethed once more before throwing open the door. Or trying to, at least. The door wouldn't budge. With a shock, I realized that Jason was somehow keeping the door shut.

     "Let me leave, jackass," I spat, glaring at him as I threw my weight against the door.

     "Chill the fuck out Percy!" Jason exclaimed, his eyes narrowing at me threateningly. "You don't need to be panicking and freaking out right now before going out! You need to calm down!"

     "You need to calm down and leave me the fuck alone!" I seethed back, glaring at him.

     "Percy." Jason took a step towards me, and I took a step away. Frowning, he took another step, but I, once again, backed away.

     Soon I was backed against the wall; cornered. "Leave me alone Jason!"


     I wasn't exactly sure of what happened within the next few moments, but I knew that Jason was holding his eye with one hand and the other was reached out, blocking a fist I don't remember throwing.

      He surged forward once he had blocked my attempted blow, and I didn't even bother to try to resist. If he beat the shit out of me, I deserved it- I had hit him, and attempted a second time.

     One hand pinned me at the bicep, another at my side, close to my waist. He was but four inches away at nearly every point, tense and poised; as if ready to strike or defend at any point.

     I braced myself for a kick, a punch, any sort of harm. However, it never came. Jason was just staring at me with his intensely blue eyes, flickering around my face in a fleeting, analytical way. His jaw was set and clenched, his lips turned down in a frown that I couldn't read.

     He was breathing heavily, and so was I. His breath fanned over my lips he was so close, and I wasn't all too surprised to notice it smelled like cinnamon and iron. He took one particularly large breath, letting out a shakey, shuddering breath, a tremor running through his body that I felt through his hands, still pinning me almost painfully to the wall.

     As I shifted uncomfortably with a grimace, his frown turned to a scowl. "You punched me."

     "I didn't mean to. I blacked out." I hated telling him this, even though everyone knew I had anger blackouts. It was just never discussed. Speaking about it make it a hundred times more real, and I didn't want to come to face it any more than I had to.

     "You need to control yourself better, Jackson, or you're going to seriously hurt someone." Jason sounded more like a father than a friend- could I even call him that? I doubted he would want to go back to being friends after this.

     "On last name status again, are we?" I sneered, unable to help myself.

     I guess I didn't expect it from Jason. It was so surprising to me. He was always the gentle giant to me- so gentle with me, like he was the only person who realized I wasn't the indestructible hero everyone made me out to he.

     That's why I didn't expect to be pulled away from the wall and slammed back into it. My head throbbed where the back of my skull had crashed against the wood, along with my shoulders. "Listen to me, Jackson. You and Annabeth weren't-"

     "Shut up!" I roared, shoving him away from me. "Just stop talking! Leave me alone!"

     I guess I didn't expect what happened next, either. Even less than him slamming me into a wall. I wasn't surprised whem he grabbed the front of my shirt. I wasn't surprised when he glared at me. I was surprised when he tugged me towards him and made our lips meet.

     Firm, unsure, and desperate. I felt a heavy drop in my stomach as my eyes widened tenfold, staring into Jason's eyes as he stared back. Those stupidly intense blue eyes that didn't seem to give up control despite the unease dancing on his lips, which were slowly moving against my own, stiff and still.

     After a few moments, the weight in the bottom of my gut turned to a light fluttering feeling as Jason's eyes drifted shut. For a few terrifying moments, I realized I liked the kiss. His gentle yet uncomfortably awkward ways of kissing were entrancing, like he was put me under a spell, making it so I couldn't pull away. Just as it seemed like his touch was lightening, his body shifting, preparing to pull back, I leaned into the kiss, my lips moving to form a gentle seal over his bottom lip.

     His surprise didn't go unnoticed by me, but he was kissing back in a near instant. It didn't take long for Jason to pull away, just enough time for us to take a few deep breaths, staring into each others eyes, before he leaned back in and pressed his lips to mine once more.

     His lips were surprisingly soft, yet firm at the same time. I couldn't help the way my breathing hitched, catching in my throat as his tongue slowly traced over my bottom lip, as if trying to map it; to savor it to memory.

     Deciding that I did indeed like breathing, and kissing, I opened my mouth to let out my breath and invite Jason's tongue. He was wary at first, continuing to lick along my lips before slowly sliding his tongue into my mouth, tracing his tongue along my teeth and other areas on the inside of my mouth.

     Eventually, we separated our lips, breathing heavily and staring into each others eyes. "You know what?" I breathed out, not being able to stop the small smile that sliped onto my face. "I think Annabeth cheating on me may have been a good thing after all."

Authors Note

I suck. At writing, at life, at everything 😭😂😭 Oh well.


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