Laboring Secrets

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"What do you mean you twisted your ankle?!" I yelled into the phone at August.

"I twisted my ankle when I fell off the treadmill"

"So you can't drive here?"


"Shit. AHHHHHHHH OW OW OWWW!!" Janice stood up and walked towards me.

"I'll go pick him up"

"Oh thank you Jan. Babe Janice is gonna come pick you up" I screamed into the phone so loud I didn't hear his response and he had already hung up by the time my contraction was over.

Janice left leaving me and Rita in my hospital room. Her phone rang and it was obviously someone she didn't want to talk to. She went into the bathroom and answered it. Janice dating her and she sneaking.

A doctor walked in and checked how far I was. Only 2.5 cm. Goodness I hope my labor ain't no 30 hours like other women.

I called Javaris because I need my best friend with me too.


"Javaris I'm in labor"

"Ayee turn up!! I'm on my way" He hung up on me making me laugh. I laid back wiping the sweat off of my forehead. I told the doctor I don't want an Epidural which is a drug that numbs the pain. I need to feel the pain of child birth.

"She's in labor......No!!.....Yo are you fucking serious?! I can't do that to her. I don't even see wh-.....Daddy why do you want to get to her anyways? She's so nice and she's about to get married and have kids.....Well no but-....fine. Okay I'll do it"

Who the fuck is her dad and why is he trying to get to me? I'm about to confront her ass. I heard her cry, pace the bathroom, and talk to herself in the mirror. I'm not trying to get broken down again by some nigga I don't give two fucks about. As soon as she walked into the room Janice walked in with August in a wheelchair.

"Augusttttttttttt" He opened his camera before saying Hi.

"How do you feel babe?" He asked probably talking to the camera more than me.

"I feel like my back is breaking every time I have a contraction. I feel like chocolate can't solve my problems for once. I feel miserable" He wheeled over to me and gave me a kiss. "I hope you know I will break your damn hand during this."

"No you ain't!"

"Yeah the fuck I am. Unless you wanna watch em pop out you're holding my hand"

"Man fine. Where's Javaris?"

"On his way. I got some business to handle anyways" I looked at a nervous Kelly. She looked at me in realization then tried to leave the room. Javaris walked in blocking her way out. "Varis close and lock the door!" He listened with no hesitation.

"Rita sit ya ass down right fucking now!!" She slowly turned around then sat in a chair next to a confused Janice. "I heard some of your conversation. So what was that about?"

"M-my dad is trying to b-break us up"

"Oh fuck that! I can spot a lying ass bitch anywhere now that I've gone through it all. Tell me why your dad wants to get to me!!!" August and Javaris stared at Rita wanting to know exactly what I did.

"He uh um he-"

"Quit all that stuttering!!"

"Leave her alone" Janice said looking at the floor.

"What the hell? Don't tell me to leave her alone. She was on the phone with her dad and she said some shit. I would like answers right now before I get up and beat her ass right now"

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