Grind and Pray

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"Did you even try?! Really?! My baby was sick with a cold and now he's fucking dead!!! I'm about to sue the shit out of this hospital!!" I couldn't even cry. The fact that my baby is now dead is killing me and making me want to kill everyone else.

August was crying harder than I've ever seen him cry before. Anthony can't just die. He only had pneumonia. It wasn't even serious and now he's just gone.

I was about to punch the damn nurse when a doctor ran in.

"We got him back! He's stable now. Let's go!" She looked at me surprised then ran away. I slammed the door so hard.

A nurse comes and tells us that our son is dead. But she barely gave him any time to be classified as dead. August must not have heard.

"August" He stood up and yelled baring his teeth. "August" He punched the pillow and looked at me with red eyes. "He's stable. He didn't die"

"W-what?!" He asked in disbelief.

"He isn't dead" He looked again in disbelief then hugged me tightly. I smiled breathing in the scent of his shirt. Fear took over and I let myself cry.

After we both calmed down they brought both Kea and Anthony in the room.

"We're taking them home today. I don't give a fuck what y'all say. They got a better chance with us then they do here" August said kicking them out. I held both of them and let August slide in the bed next to me.

He took them from me and I laid against the bed rubbing Anthony's hair. I got up around midnight and covered my bandages with sweatpants and a sweater. I slid my feet into a pair of Nike slides and put my hood up to my hoodie.

I got Kea dressed in a outfit similar to mines than I put her in the car seat. When we were all ready we took them out to the car and got them buckled and went home.

After we put them in their cribs we went to our room and went to sleep with no words.


I got up before everyone else and went into the bathroom. I took a cold shower since hot water would burn, I put on new bandages with burn cream, then got dressed in a pair of thick gray sweatpants, a gray sports bra, and a loose white tank top over top of it. I put
My hair up in a bun then went down to the kitchen.

I forgot that Jayla wasn't here. My phone rang and the caller id said Taylor.

"Um hello?" I answered kind of confused.

"Rayna? Hey you know, I'm sorry I went MIA for so long"

"So long? That was too long. Why do you even still have my number?"

"I uh, I heard what happened to you-"


"It was on the news. You didn't know?"

"Hell no!"

"Well, look I'm sorry and I want to start over"

"I don't know. I'm starting to have some deep trust issues"

"I promise I'm not one of them bitches you used to be friends with"

"Alright then. You can come over tomorrow I guess. But I promise you, if you do or say shit that breaks your promise, I'm cutting you off and it could lead to a damn restraining order"

"Damn. I mean aight. I'll see you tomorrow then"

"Okay" I hung up and called the hospital.

"Hello (Name of hospital). How may I assist you?"

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