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Ameris POV

"In church Mer. Really? In Church." He says "I'm sorry Jazz. I don't know what happened to me. It don't even remember hitting her but the one time." I say as I begin to cry. "I'm not yelling at you I just hate we missed it. But I seen the video and wow sis." He says. "Jazz I know you wasn't but that church is daddy's life. What if they get rid of him because of me. I didn't plan on fighting her it just happened."I say. He hugs me and says "dad will not get put out because of this. People saw her attack first." He says. "Now come on so we can vote on dinner." Going in the house behind him Ethan wraps his arms around me. "Mmm you smell good beautiful." He says making me blush. "Thanks Love. So do you." I reply. After casting votes mom and dad head out to get dinner for everyone. "I'm going to change and check on Austin. What are you guys doing?" I asked. "Shoot pool til they get back with the food." The guys say I roll my eyes and head upstairs.

Knock knock
"Come in." Austin says. "Hey I know we didn't get a chance to talk at the hospital but I just wanted to tell you thank you." He says. "For what?" I ask. "For giving Jazz the burner number. I always knew you wouldn't let me die." He said. "Well I only did after I almost got myself killed and realized I couldn't save you." I said dropping my head. "I just wanted to bring you home so bad. Dad and Janet walked around looking lost and Skye needed you more than any of us." I said. "To think you going to be a dad and Janet was worried about me getting pregnant." I joke. "I know. I could only imagine her face when she heard. Bet she almost lost it." "Actually she doesn't know. Skye wanted you to know. Before anyone else really so Dad is going to announce it at dinner tonight." I tell him. "Ameris I have a question for you. What's up with you and Ethan? You realize you are just his Spring Break Fling? Do you think he is going to be with you when school starts back tomorrow? Jessica will have her claws all in him or did you forget about her?" He says. I stop to think about my response and because in a way he was right Ethan was one of the most popular boys in school and me I was just the nerdy girl who made straight As and was graduating two years early as valedictorian. Was I just a fling? Did he mean it when he said he loved me? "Austin that is none of your concern. Worry about your love life and I will worry about mine." I said as I walked out and slammed the door. In a way Austin was right and in a way Austin was wrong.

Standing in the shower with tears in my eyes thinking about what Austin said about Ethan and I. What am I doing with Ethan? School starts back tomorrow and I'm still not sure what we are. My brothers think we are a couple. My father and step mom think we are a couple. He was my first. Was that all he wanted? Why have I never questioned his motives before? I was taken out of thought when Ethan walked in "Damn I will never get tired of looking at you baby girl." "Get out of here before my brothers or father catches you and kill you." I replied. "You are to die for." He answered. I didn't want him to see my tears but as soon as he pulled the curtain back he could tell I had been or was about to cry. "What's wrong beautiful? Why are you crying?" I wanted to tell him a lie but I know he knows when I'm lying. They all know when I'm lying. "It's my hands. They have swollen and they hurt." I reply but never looked up. "Get out and I will rub them for you. Along with your legs. I will make you feel better. I told you I will take care of you." He did say that. I believed him up until my brother made me doubt him. He turns off the shower and hands me a towel. To be honest I didn't lie but I didn't tell him the truth either. Yeah my hands were sore and a little swollen but they wasn't bothering me.
"How do you think Austin will feel about me and you?" I asked him will he rubbed lotion on my legs. "He was the first one to know I had feelings for you. I talked about you to him all the time. He is my best friend so I hope that doesn't change. I hope he will be happy for me and you." "So wait how long have you had feelings for me? Why didn't you tell me before last year?" "I've had feelings for you since the first time I saw you at school. I bumped into you on purpose. Austin never told me you was his sister and I hadn't started coming around the house like that." "Ethan that was 3 years ago. When I first started high school. Why wait til my Senior year to say something?" "Idk I wasn't sure how to. I was rough back then. I'm rough now only you bring out the softer side of me a side I will never let the rest of the guys see." "Well what happens tomorrow when we go back to school? Will things stay the same or will I be that annoying little nerd that no one sees? Will you ignore me? Was this just a spring break fling?" "Tomorrow when I pick you up for school things will stay the same. You are my girl and if anyone as much as looks at you I will beat they ass." He says. "This wasn't a fling. You are mine. I'm not giving you up and at dinner I will let that be known." He says as he kisses me. I love his kisses. Rough yet gentle. He takes the towel off and starts rubbing my body. As bad as I want him I know we are bound to get caught. Before I could protest he rammed his dick in my wet pussy. I moan but not to loud. I could feel his dick in my stomach.
Mmm Ethan I moan. As he flips me over and enters me from behind. I could feel myself cumming over and over again. "Damn girl. I'm about to cum." He says. As he explodes on my ass. He cleans me up and I go get dressed. As I am finishing my hair their is a knock at my door. "Dinner is ready." My step mom says. "Be down in 10." "Babe you want me to wait or go ahead?" "Whatever you want to do is alright with me bae." I walk out my closet/dressing room and he is waiting for me. We head down stairs with Austin and Skye. "Austin after dinner can we talk?" I say "Sure sis that is fine."
We all sat down at the table. Dad blessed the food and we dug in. Once everyone has their plate dad starts talking. "Austin is there anything you need to tell us?" Dad asked. I was glad he started with Austin and not Ethan. "Well yes father. I am going to be a dad. Skye is 2 months pregnant. We are excited and nervous but most of all blessed to have such a great support system. The love of family and friends is everything to us. There is one more thing. I wanted to do this on date night but I was kidnapped" looking over at Ethan and nodding. Ethan got up and helped him down onto one knee. "Skye Marie Jones will you marry me?" "Austin really? Yes I will marry you. I love you so much." She says kissing him and well almost knocking him over. Ethan helped him stand and Skye kissed him "Ethan thank you for being such a great friend to my sons and my daughter." My father says. "Um don't you think Austin and Skye are rushing into things.? My stepmom says. "Well your opinion doesn't matter to me or Skye. We just got engaged it's not like we are getting married tomorrow. Why do you care anyway? You only married my dad for one thing and that was money. At least we getting married out of love." Austin snaps. "Are you going to let him talk to me like that?" "Austin that was uncalled for. She was just expressing her concern." My father says. "But dad she is not my mom. Mom would have been happy for me. She would be encouraging me. I wish she was still alive." Austin says. Dad had one rule. No matter how the subject went no one was allowed to leave the dinner table until everything was ironed out. "I know I'm not your mom. I love you still and I'm happy for you. I just want you guys to make the right choices." Janet says. "We are making the choices we think are right." Austin says "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but I have been holding that in for a while." "I understand. But believe me I love your father more than you will ever know. I love all of y'all." "We love you too." All of us say. Dad looks over at Ethan and I "Ethan do you have anything you want to tell me?" "Yes sir, I just want you to know that I love your daughter. Starting tomorrow if it's ok I would like to pick her up for school and I will make sure she get back home safely. I also wanted to ask your permission to date her." Well I think it's too late to ask for permission now I mean you have boned me three times and now you ask his permission. My dad looks at my brothers and they nod in agreement. "Permission granted, but know this if anything happens to my princess I will kill you myself." "Yes sir." Ethan says. "So you really do like my sister? What about Jessica she said you just playing hard to get?" Austin ask "you didn't see the video did you? She attacked Mer at church and Mer put her in the hospital." Jazz says. "Think she knows now he is off the market." Jarad says. After dinner Austin and I step out on the porch to talk. I know he has a million and one negative things to say but I'm ready for it.

"Wow I can't believe he actually made it public and told dad that he wants to pick you up for school and bring you home. I can't believe Jazz didn't say no. He has been so protective of us since mom died." Austin states. "Why didn't you tell me he liked me all this time? He told me you knew. How could you make me feel like I was just a fling to him knowing all this time he wanted to date me?" I ask him getting right to it. My brother lied to me earlier and I wanted to know why. "We live a dangerous life and I didn't want you caught up in it. I was lying to protect you. Ethan and I we do some things we are not proud of and you and Skye just won't let us go. I love you and I love Skye and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get away from her. She like you bring out a side of me that I will never allow our brothers to see. I don't want them to know I have a soft side." He said. "Austin I don't know what y'all do and I'm sure it's a secret for a reason so I'm not going to push you for that information. I know at some point you guys will tell us. It's ok to love and have a soft side. I love you too and trust I want get hurt."

We head back in the house to my dad saying "no problem send her over."

I wonder who our mystery guest is.

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