It was her.

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Ethan POV
Heading back she silent. I want to tell her the plan but that will hurt her more. One thing for sure family game night shall be interesting. I told Jazz where we was going and why. It was long enough for him to get the guys together and make the moves needed. "Hey are you ready for play some games and enjoy the family?" "Not really but I will put on a happy face for you and Jace." "Hey I want you to have fun too." "I know and I will try."  We park and go in the house.

Ameris POV
I am not focused on family game night. I was focused on proving Janet to be innocent. There has to be something that can prove her innocence. I mean I know she said she was having an affair but was that because dad had proof or was it true. Either way dad is better off with Janet than Kate. The thought of her made me want to vomit. If I'm going to do this I have to do this alone. My best friend can't even know. I was snapped out my head when Lexi asked me to help her in the kitchen. "What's up with you?" "Nothing Lex I'm just tired and I really don't want to be around Kate." "I know you don't but can you do if for us?" "Yes. How has Jace been? Has she said anything to him?" "No I have kept him away from her as well as our kids. I don't want her trying to turn them against him." "Thanks Lexi." "He is my nephew and I won't have it any other way."
We head back to the dining room and set the snacks on the table. Jace runs in and hugs me and ask for a snack. I pick him up and let him choose what he wants. "Thank mommy." "You are welcome baby. Did you eat dinner?" "Yes mommy. We had..." "it really don't matter what he had. can we start so we can't get this over with." He is interrupted by Kate. I ignore her and tell him to continue. After telling me what he had he asked if he could go back to the twins. I let him. "When it comes to a conversation between my son and I, stay out of it. I'm not here to listen to your bullshit and complaints about him." I say walking by. "Warren your daughter's mouth is truly disrespectful." Kate said to dad. "Mer calm down please." Dad gives me a look and I'm attempting to calm myself. Ethan and the guys came and and we began playing different games. I decided I knew who I need to have help me. Right now I just have to get away. "Babe it's your turn." I say to Ethan who is staring at me like I'm up to something. He took his turn and then I took mine getting out the game and leaving the table. I shot a text to Jamie and be met me in the study. "I need your help with something and of all the boys I think I trust you with this the most." "What is it sis." "Remember Kate's phone she had the day she "died"." "Yeah what about it." "I know this my seem crazy but is their any way you could see if that phone has been operational?" "It's a long shot but I will check into it for you. What are you looking for?" "Anything that was sent and received after she "died"." With that I walked out the study. I know Jamie will help because he too is having a hard time believing this kidnapping story. Austin is to but he needs to focus on Skye and the babies. I head back down to the dining room to only be stopped by Ethan. "Want to tell me what you are up to?" "What do you mean?" "Mer I have seen this side of you. The one that thinks their is no one they can trust. Let me in I want to know what you are thinking." "Well right now I'm thinking I want to jump your bones but we are at family game night oh and I want to keep Kate away from Jace. Other than that nothing." I say and walk away. I hate lying to him but considering he has been doing a lot of that these last few months I have got to keep this secret. Once Jamie get me what I need I will clue him in. Until then I'm not saying a word.

After hours of games and glares the night is winding down. The twins want to spend the night with us and I'm all for it. Movie night with these three shall be fun. I'm glad they are bonding. I want Jace to have people he can trust in his life. We get home and I get a message from Jamie saying after we go see Austin and Skye to come to him and Chris flat. You would think they would want they own space but my brothers are close. Jarad and Jazz are in walking distance of each other Dez is still at the old home place. Jamie and Chris moved out after Kate came back. Austin and Skye have moved out and so have I. Me and Austin live near each other and we are about 15 minutes from our brothers. I set everything up and after the three of them are bathe and in their pjs it's movie time and I'm exhausted to say the least. Ethan comes out the bedroom in his pjs and offers to trade places with me so I can shower and change. I thank him and head in the room. I shower and get out to get dressed. This kids must be sleep because before I finished dressing Ethan bust in the room. "Jamie called you and said it's urgent. Get dressed me and the kids will stay but you go to see what's wrong." I don't exchange words I head over to Jamie and Chris house. When I got there Chris was waiting downstairs for me. "What's wrong?" "You will have to see for yourself." Chris leads me to their flat. Jamie is sitting at his desk fist clenched. "Jamie what is it?" "Bitch played us all. We brought her ass back after she plotted this whole damn thing." "What are you talking about?" "Kate played us. We took three innocent lives because of her ass. We tied up her loose ends." "Jazz house now. I will make the call." I called Ethan and had him get the kids, Mason, and Kesha and meet us at Jazz house. I told him I would explain later. I called my dad and asked him to come to Jazz house something was wrong and I needed him. He told me he would be right there him and Dez. I texted Austin and of course him and Skye was on the way. I'm putting an end to this tonight.

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