Aly Drama

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Ameris POV

We head home bright and early. New York was fun but I missed my boyfriend and dad.  Landing the limo picked us up and took us home. We were the last two to be dropped off. "Mom do you think this will be the last time you guys hang out? I mean you didn't exchange numbers or any of that." "Mer I don't know. I hope not tho." " Thanks for an amazing weekend mom. I am glad we got a chance to get close and spend time together." "Don't thank me gem think your daddy. Oh and we better hurry I promised him we will be to church on time."

Church was one thing daddy didn't play about. No matter what you was doing Saturday night Sunday morning all the Davison kids and their families were in church. "Guess that's why he had us fly back early Sunday morning." "You know your father." "I sure do."
Church was the only time I had to see Aly and Jessica. For the most part I have been able to ignore them. After they were expelled their mom made them come apologize but the damage was done and the fact that I haven't gotten Aly back still bothered me. Oh but summer is coming.

We changed clothes and headed to church. I really hoped Ethan was there mainly cause I missed him and just wanted to see his face. Plus I know how dad is about them. Walking into church felt being greeted like normal. I go straight to dad's office. I just wanted to let him know we were back. I over here him having a very serious conversation with someone I want to just walk in but I stand outside and listen for a second. I knock and he says come in. I open the door and there is him and all the guys. "Hey just wanted to let you know we made it back. I see you are busy so I will come back later. Love you daddy." "Hey princess I'm never too busy for you. How was your trip?" "It was good we can discuss it later. I am going to sit with mom." I walked out his office and closed the door. What I thought was just a shopping trip for me and mom to spend time together plus to pick out our dresses was just dad's way to get rid of us so we wouldn't be there for two days while the handled a threat they received. I hated when I was lied to and everyone in that room lied to me including Ethan. I'm sure dad could tell I was upset but I know not to ask questions. I hate this.

A few minutes later Kesha and Skye came in and sat with me. Their dad's were associate ministers and made them come as well. The guys finally came out of dad's office and sat with us. As much as missed him I didn't want Ethan to sit with me.
"I missed you beautiful. How was your trip?" "I missed you too and it was good. My dress is super cute." "Can't wait to see you in it."

After service was over we waited for dad so we could go eat. "Is your father in his office?" Aly asked me I ignore her my father and mother was in his office but I wasn't going to tell her that. "Excuse me. I know you hear me." "I don't know. Maybe he is maybe he isn't. Maybe I'm not telling you. How about you figure it out in your own." "Bitch I will slap you." "You know Aly ask your sister how that worked out for her. Only this time no one is here to pull me off of you. I suggest you go about your business and leave me alone." I felt the rage build up inside of me. I knew that if I stood there any longer I would punch her in her face. So I started to walk away. "Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you." "You are not either one of my parents so therefore I can and will walk away from you at any point I feel. Besides if you was really looking for my father you know where his office is so there was no need for this conversation anyway." I say and start to turn to walk away. Before I get turned this hoe hits me. So now we are in the hallway fighting. I ain't going to lie when she hit me I was stunned for a second but the rage I had built up really come out. The last thing I remember is hearing my dad call for Ethan and Mason. I remember punching her and crying. When I get extremely mad I cry. I think that is why my dad didn't want to touch me. When I snapped back to reality I hear Ethan's voice. "Babygirl no. Let go. I got you. Look at me." I realized I had Aly by her hair slinging her around. Mason was trying to loosen my grip but was failing. Ethan was able to get me to let go and when I did he grabbed me and took me to the car. "You are crazy Ameris." Aly shouts "No you are crazy. You shouldn't have hit me and I wouldn't have returned the favor." I yelled.

"Calm down. You want to tell me what happened in there." Ethan says from the sound of his voice I can tell he was tired of me fighting "She started with me. I went to walk away and she hit me. So like I told her I was just returning the favor." I say still crying. "Why you crying? From the looks of it the only hit she got off was that first one." "If you think I'm crying because she hit me I'm not. This is the rage in me. This is what I felt when you told me what Beth did. This is what I felt when she kissed you. I wanted to rip her head off." "Well we have to find a way for you to control your anger and rage." He says.

Daddy and mom emerged from the church. They were both smiling. Good thing for me is Aly had Jessica record our whole encounter and upload it on FACEBOOK. Jazz of course sees and saves it. I know because he text me and says again. My brothers hated for me to get into anything. They felt like they needed to always protect me so when I fight my own battles they feel some type of way. "Where are we going for dinner." Dad ask "I'm not hungry so wherever y'all want to go is fine." I say. "We are not mad at you sweetheart. The camera picked up everything that happened. We just finished showing it to her parents. I told them you was pressing assault charges." He says. "But I don't plan to I just want them to leave me alone. I'm sick of it all. I can't wait to leave for college." I reply. "Oh you are pressing charges pumpkin. I'm sick of them messing with you as well so yeah this is the next step." Mom says. "Fine." I say.

Dad called Jazz and told him to have everyone come to the Cheesecake Factory. That is where we would be eating dinner. Not that I would be eating. I really didn't have an appetite and was still really pissed.
"What do you mean when you leave for college?" Ethan says to me. "You leaving me in August." "No I'm going to go to college online... I'm getting out of here before I end up in jail for murder. You will find someone new anyway. I'm just temporary in everyone's life." "Can we talk after dinner. Just the two of us?" I tell him yes and just look out the window.

Arriving to eat I know my brothers are going to give me a pep talk and I'm not with it. I decide to ignore any questions about the fight. We sit down and order appetizers and dinner. I forgot my parents were there and ordered a sob (sex on the beach). Mom shook her head and dad said no and changed my drink order to a sprite.

After we ate dad and mom let us take the car and they ride back with Jazz. Really not sure what Ethan wants to talk about. I thought I made myself clear but I guess he thinks he can change my mind.

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