She's not Dead

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Jazz POV
Running some errands and I swear I saw I ghost. This can't be good. Who the fuck did we kill if it wasn't her. I seen her in 3 different stores I went to. How did we fuck this up. Lexi and I head home and on my phone I receive a text.
Unknown: Nice to see you too.
Me: Janet
Unknown: In the flesh. Great having and identical twin. Sorry I had to set that bitch up to die.
Me: So was it you or her that hurt my mother.
Janet: That was all me.
"Bitch." "What Babe." "Nothing just thinking out loud." "Ok" We grabbed the kids from daycare and head home. I shoot the guys an urgent text saying we need to have a meeting ASAP telling them to meet at my house in 30 minutes. When me and my family get there I pull Lexi to the side and explain everything to her. She orders lunch for us and then took the kids to my dad's house to play with Jace.

Ameris POV
Walking through the mall with Ethan, Kesha, Mason, and Jace just wanted to get out the house some. Plus Jace needed new shoes and summer clothes. After shopping for our baby boy we decided to grab something for the food court. After we ordered and sat down making plans for the rest of the day Ethan and Mason get a text and honestly I already know it's my brother. I roll my eyes. "Kesha can you ride back with Ameris and Jace. Duty calls." "In the middle of the day and we have plans." "We will make it up to y'all I promise but we have to go now." "Well can we just all walk out together. Good thing we got our food to go." We walk out to the cars. Ethan puts Jace in a kisses his forehead telling him to be good for me and Kesha. Mason is rubbing Kesha's belly talking to his son and fiancé. Ethan comes over to me and I just give him a look. He knows all to well. "I promise." Is all he says as he kisses me and walk over and get in the car with Mason. "I wonder what's so darn urgent." I say backing out and heading towards my dad's.  Getting there I see Lexi pull up. I'm excited to see my sister and her kids plus Jace loves playing with them. Her face tells me she needs to talk. So we change the kids into their swimware and head to the indoor pool. "Hey Lex whats up?" "Hey love. Nothing. This last mission your brothers went on went left. One of the people that was supposed to die set their twin up to be killed and now is seeking revenge." "Figured it was something important. So did they give names." "Naw Jazz wouldn't say who. He said it was best if I didn't know a name." "Well I have a joke that will make you laugh. The other night I walked in on Kate giving dad a blowjob." Lexi laughed. We sat and watched the kids swim until Kate came back and said lunch was ready. I rolled my eyes and Lexi caught it. So while we dried then kids off she asked me what was up. So I told her I would tell her once the kids were dressed and eating. After we got them settled we started talking in the kitchen. I told her about Kate's comments and how she treats Jace differently. "I don't think she treats him any different." Lexi says. "I can show you." I call Jr into the kitchen along with Jace. I told them both to say something to Kate and at the end say grandma. I told Jr to go first. "Can I have some water grandma?" "Of course sweetie." Then Jace asked her "Can I have some as well grandma." "I'm not your grandma but sure." "But arent you mommy's mom?" "She is not your mommy. Why do you insist on calling her that?" "Because she is my mommy and she will always be my mommy. Her and daddy love me and that's all that matters." My baby said running asking if we could go home. "Jace mommy is so sorry I shouldn't have had you ask her that. I'm sorry baby don't cry." "It's ok mommy." "Go up to your room and pack ok. Mommy is going to call daddy." I turned back to a now pissed Kesha and Lexi. "How dare she. I thought you was over analyzing this but her ass really want there. I will." "Lexi it's fine but now you see why I have nothing to say to her. Oh but before I call Ethan I will address this. She won't hurt his feelings and get away with it."

"Kate can I talk to you?" I walked in the living room asking her. "Mer I'm your mom yet you insist on calling me by my first name." "Can we talk is all I'm asking?" "Fine what's on your mind?" "Understand me when I say this because I won't again. If you ever talk to Jace like that again I will kill you myself. Weather you like it or not that is my son and so therefore get over yourself. How can you be such a bitch to a three year old?" She slapped me. Now I know what I did back was wrong but Kate has me fucked up. "You will not talk to me in that manner in my house and that Bastard " I punched her. Before I know it I'm having a fist fight with my mother. I had to black out because I never seen Ethan walk in the door. I just remember him slamming me on the bed. I was crying and pissed. "Want to tell me what the fuck has gotten into you? That is your mother." He said "Well FUCK HER AND EVERYTHING SHE STANDS FOR." I screamed back. By that time Jazz was walking in and of course he was on her side. I could care less. I grabbed Jace, got in my car and left. When we got to the park I text Lexi to meet me and she did. I apologized to her and the twins went to play with Jace. "Are you ok?" "Idk Lexi when she called him a bastard it broke something in me and I reacted." I look up and see Jazz and Ethan getting out of Jazz car. "Really Lex." "Now you know Jazz tracks my phone." "Ameris Chantel Davison have you lost your damn mind?" "Lay off Jazz." "Well dad wants to see you and he is not happy." "I could careless if he wants to take her side that is fine. Let him put a hit out on me." Jazz looked at me like I was crazy. "I'm done Jazz. She had no right to say what she said he is 3 and I will defend him at all cost even if it cost me my life. That is my son. Possibly the only child I will ever have in this world." I knew Jazz didn't know about my infertility. "You and Ethan better give me a niece or nephew. "I can't have children Jazz. No let me go face the music. Did I hurt her bad." "You broke her nose and maybe her left eye socket and fractured a rib or two nothing major." "Jazz can Jace ride with you I need to talk to Ethan." "Yes I missed my nephew today. I'm going to talk all the kids we going to Ice cream right mommy?" "Yes Papi let's go."

Me and Ethan walked to my car in silence. He opened the passenger door for me and I got I. Once he was in we started the drive to my dad's house. "Princess you have to use your words not your fist. I get why you did it." "Ethan if you ever slam me on a bed and it's not to fuck my brains out I will kill you." I say to him. "No you wouldn't cause you would miss this dick. Now explain for the beginning." I told Ethan what happened and as we pulled up to my dad's I sighed. All my brothers but Jazz was here. This is not going to be easy. I walk in with Ethan and head straight to dad's office.

"Warren she has lost her mind putting her hands on me. If I see her I'm going to beat her ass." "Kate do you hear yourself. You attacked her child and you thought she would let that go." "Who side are you on? Mine or that little bitch?" "Kate I'm going to always have my daughter's back. I love you but I love her more. You don't know what she has been through and instead of try to bond with her you push her way. Jace means more to her then you will ever know because you don't understand and it's not for me to make you understand."

Knock knock

"Come in." I walked in dad's office. "What the fuck are you doing her?" "My father asked me to come. Not that it's any of your business." Jarad walked over to me and kissed my cheek. "You ok? How is Jace?" "I'm ok. He is ok. He is with Lexi and Jazz. They should be here soon." "Cool I miss my nephew." "But he isn't your nephew." "Mom you know what that's where you are wrong. Ethan is my brother and Mer is my sister and therefore Jace is my nephew." "What is your problem with my son?" Ethan finally asked. "No problem with him. Just don't want him calling her mom. She isn't his mom. She didn't carry him nor birth him so no she ain't his mom." "Bitch you birth me and still your are not my mom. Janet was more of a mother to me than you have ever been. Yes I said it. When this all came about she gave me the best advice. I know what she did was messed up but she was so much more supportive than you. Oh and for the record. I will never know the feeling of caring and birthing a child so fuck off." Walked out and slammed the door. Jarad came behind me and grabbed me. "What do you mean?" "I'm infertile Jarad. I can't get pregnant if I wanted to." I say as the tears roll down my face. I ran up the stairs to my room slamming the door before falling on my bed sobbing. "I wish they never found her."

Knock knock
"Ameris I know you are in there can I come." "Sure." "Princess why didn't you tell me before now?" "Dad I don't want to talk about it." "What advice did Janet give you?" "She told me that if I was going to truly love Ethan than I would have to love and accept his son. Like she did with us."

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