Just Us

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Ameris POV

Getting back to the hospital was all I wanted to do. After talking to mom and her encouraging me I felt a lot better. I swung by home and grabbed my laptop and a few other things for E and I. I hope is ready to actually do his work lol. As I park I see Beth leaving. Once again this rage rises up in me but I know I have to control it plus Dad and Jazz been here almost all day so I'm not concerned. I wonder if she see me. I hope not. I have nothing to say to her.
"Mer right?" "Depends on who I'm talking to. What do you want?" "I just wanted to say thank you. Ethan is honestly over me and I now know that marrying Alex will not be a problem. I had to know for myself that he had moved on. I didn't want to believe it but he is happy with you." "Whatever" I say and walk away I turn around and say "Good luck." and head inside to see E.

"Ameris you have to be home before it gets too late. I will come pick you up." My dad say. "Ok dad I will call when I'm ready." I say as they leave. "Hey you. How are you feeling?" I ask E "better since you walked in." "Has she been here all day?" "Well yeah but not seeing me. Turns out her uncle is in ICU so she was coming here to see him anyway. They were taking him off of life support so she wanted to say goodbye." "Oh ok. Well let's get some homework done. Also you have until Monday to turn it in but I want to turn it in tomorrow so they will see you not slacking." We pull out the books and begin doing homework when Kesha and Mason walk in. Seems like the 4 of us did homework together all the time. Mainly cause we question if the boys will actually do theirs if we didn't do it with them. Ethan's dinner tray comes and so does our takeout after we eat we finish what would be Friday's assignments and pack up our books. I want to spend the night right there with him but I know that is not possible which is why I'm shocked that they came in and told him he was being discharged. His blood pressure was under control and so there was no need to keep him. I called my dad and told him he didn't have to come get me cause I had a license driver to ride with me home.

After getting home Dad wanted to know why he was discharged so soon. He explained to dad what they told him. Dad made him promise he would go the follow up appointments. He agreed and we went up stairs.

"I hated the thought of you staying in the hospital tonight. I was ready for you to come home but are you sure you not doing too much too fast?" "Babe for the millionth time I'm fine. It feels like a weight has lifted off my chest and after telling Beth to marry Alex I felt even better." "I know but bae I don't want anything to happen to you do I need you to take it easy ok?" "For you my queen I will."

***** Two Weeks Later*****

Time is really flying and prom is next week. Ethan finally asked me to go. As if he was going with someone else. Today we are going dress shopping which shall be fun. Us six our moms are coming with and I can't wait. Daddy has us picked up from school in a limo and taken to the airport. Daddy chartered his Jet and we flew to New York. Our prom dresses and their tuxes would be like no one in our school. This weekend is going to be a blast and honestly I can't wait.

"So have you ladies decided on a color?" Mrs. Jones ask. "Well Skye and Austin are doing Purple and Black, Me and Mason are doing Red and Black, Mer and Ethan are doing Blue and White! We are going to look amazing." Kesha says. " we are all wearing our favorite colors and the guys just got to choose either white or black. Well Mer chose white for Ethan because he couldn't decide." "No I chose white because I already know what he looks like I all black and plus the shade of blue I chose goes better with black." I chime in.

We land about two hours after we took off and made our way to our hotel room. Dad made all these accommodations for us and ensured we would enjoy ourselves. We had dinner and then headed to a broadway show. After than we went to our rooms. All the moms decided to room together and let us take the adjoining to room. Our moms got along great which was a good thing. We all FaceTimed our guys. All the moms and all of us. I guess being on the East Coast with them on the West was worse than ever for all of us. Dad planned for us all to have a mom daughter day of pampering and shopping. Which was weird but fun.

Saturday we went shopping for our dresses and omg we were so indecisive as to what style we wanted. But all of us ultimately came to a decision and got our perfect dresses. After we spent the morning shopping we headed out site seeing and enjoying the city. I will not lie it felt good not to have to worry about a protection detail until tomorrow. We shopped and ate and shopped some more. Dinner was planned and so we went and changed so we could eat.

At dinner I started a conversation I would soon regret. "Mom you guys should hang out more. Seeing y'all together these two days makes it seems like y'all know each other." I say "Well in a since we do know each other. We graduated from high school together and collectively hated the same people. I had classes with Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Montez we got along we just didn't hang out. I was kinda awkward in school. I stayed to myself and was kinda a nerd." "Wait you was not awkward you just never talked or hung or let anyone in. When people talked to you, your response was the bare minimum and you wouldn't look at them at all. Do you remember our group project? The one where we all had to do at least one part of the speaking?" Mrs. Montez says. "I could I forget. I started taking and the next thing I remember I was in the nurse office. I passed out for stage fright and it followed me into college life. I eventually got over it and began teaching." Mom says. "But you talk all the time in front of people like if you been doing it all your life." I say. "She hasn't. I remember in middle school your mom took a D because she couldn't do an oral presentation. She tried and froze up. To be honest I'm glad she is out of her shell and would love to be able to hang out with her outside of the school. This has been a great weekend." Mrs. Montez says. "Me too." "Me three." Mrs. Jones says.

After dinner we head back to pack and sleep. The link would be picking us up bright and early. "Our moms being friends will be bomb." Skye says. "Yeah I always wanted her to make her own friends and get out my dad's shadow and not worry about corporate America." Kesh says. "Janet has never really had anyone but us. She has the ladies at church but that is so they can pick her brain about dad. I'm glad she has some real friends now." I say.

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