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Ethan POV

I woke up before my beautiful wife to be and decided to get our little man ready and fix breakfast for her. She has been through so much this last week and I want to make today as stress free as possible. I also haven't told her but I invited my mom and my brother to my graduation, the twins are coming too. My father will probably be drunk so I understand if he can't come. I made it clear to Alex that Beth and their child was not invited. He understood and is going to be there for me. I'm glad I missed my big brother. I know this is something she wanted. Oh and I have with the help of Kesha and Skye we are planning an Engagement party for after beach grad. My family will get to meet her and we'll after graduation they will meet Jace. He is such a curious little boy. I hope Natalie doesn't cause a scene. She left him and I hope she don't think just cause my family will be there she gets to play the hurt baby mama.

Ameris POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon. Guess dad is cooking breakfast. I put my robe on and went downstairs to find Ethan and Jace in the kitchen. Jace is up in his high chair eating cereal while Ethan is cooking. "Good morning honey." "Good morning beautiful." "Good morning mommy." "Good morning buddy. Did you sleep good?" "Yes and I stayed in my bed all night and I didn't wet the bed. I pee peed in the big boy pot." "Good job bud. After we leave the school we will go for Ice cream to celebrate. Remember to tell grandpa and grandma if you have to go potty ok?" "I will mama." "Bae are you excited about today? We finish high school today!!!" I say as Ethan places a plate down in front of me. "Yes my love I'm more than excited about today. I'm ready to get this over with so we can start living." He says and kiss me which starts to turn into a makeout session before it could I remind him Jace is in the room. He laughs and pulls back. He mouth later to me and I nod. "Oh by the way Kesha and Mason are coming over to take pictures before graduation!" He tells me. "Do I need to give Jace a bath or have you done that already?" "He has been bathe and I will get him dressed while you go shower. For now eat." I finish eating and put my plate in the dishwasher. I kiss my boys and head to talk to my dad. He is doing the opening prayer at graduation and I want to make sure he is comfortable. I know he is in his office.

"Hey old man." "Hey little one. How are you?" "I'm doing good. I wanted to make sure you was going to be comfortable with doing the prayer today." "Oh yes princess don't worry I will be fine. It's one of the most important days in your life and I will not let anyone ruin it." "Is mom coming?" "I wouldn't miss it for the world. Good morning princess." "Good morning mom. Will you be comfortable there? I mean the boys will be there so nothing can happen to you." "I will be fine like your daddy's said this is one of the most important days in your life." "Well we have one more issue. Natalie she is graduating too." "Who is that?" Mom asked. "She is Jace's biological mother." "Princess that is not a problem we have all the paperwork where she no longer has rights to him. She can't take him away." Dad said with a reassuring smile. "That's why he calls you mommy. He thinks you are his mom." My mom said pissing me off. "I am him mom. I'm more of a mom to him then she was. At least he knows he is loved and we are not leaving him." I say and walk out slamming the door behind me.

"Bitch" I say as I walk up the stairs. I peek in Jace room where him and Ethan are. Ethan is helping him pick out clothes. More over he is telling him to choose the suit lol. I love the way they have bonded. Ethan hasn't told me what the DNA test said in fact he still hasn't opened the letter. "Jace can mommy borrow daddy while you play for a little while?" "Yes mommy." "Ok bud." "Hey what's wrong? Why are you crying?" "I-I need you." You guessed it I was having a full panic attack. Mom's words still replaying in my head. Ethan walked me to our room and sat me in his lap rocking me back and forth. He texted my dad and told him I was having a panic attack. Dad and Mom can to our room. "Ethan what happened?" Dad asked "Mr. D I'm not sure. She came to Jace room and asked could she borrow me. When I got him settled she was shaking and crying." "Mer use your words baby girl what's wrong." Ethan asked. "What if he don't want me to be his mom any more what if he hates me. What if one day he wants to go back to her?" "Mer Jace loves you and could never hate you. Where is this coming from?" I don't respond I just let his words soothe me. Until I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm going off. Guess E set it so I could get ready. I look around and Ethan is sitting in the chair. "Hey why did you let me sleep so long?" "You needed to after the panic attack you had. Which I now know was caused by your mom." "Please don't remind me." "We don't have to talk about it my love." "I'm going to shower so we can get ready." "Ok I am going to check on Jace and see if lunch is ready." I grabbed my speaker and head to my bathroom. I plug turn on my shower and speaker and start singing along to the music. I finish showering and wrap myself in my towel and head to get dressed.

Everyone arrived and it's time to head to graduation. Nothing has majorly happened since my meltdown this morning. Hoping it stays this way. I can't believe me and my bestie are graduating plus she is pregnant and my sister in law to be is graduating and carrying twins. I'm college bound and have the most amazing fiancé and 3 year old a person could ask for. I was snapped out of my thoughts when asked was we ready to graduate. "Yes!"

I took my seat on the stage so I could give the welcome and my valedictorian speech along with the charge to the audience mainly my family. It all went smooth. After I finished the charge to the audience I took my seat with my graduating class. I can't believe Holly and Natalie are graduating as well. Guess no harm done. After graduation we all got group picture and headed to meet our families. Jazz is holding a crying Jace and me and Ethan ran to him. "What's wrong bud?" "The mean lady said she was going to take me away from you and daddy." "What mean lady do you see her still?" "Yes her" he pointed to Natalie. My blood boiled. I turned to walk towards her but Jazz stopped me. "I will handle it. Enjoy your day sis." I nod as Ethan takes Jace and my hand. "I have a surprise for you babe." "Really? What is it?" "You will see. Let's just say it's something I am proud I did." "Ok." We walk around to where our families are gathered. I look and see his mom and the twins with a guy who may be their dad. I instantly smile. "You invited your family." He bids and we walk over and speak. He introduces me and Jace to the twins and Alex. Finally him and his brother are on speaking terms. He introduced Jace to his mom who looked kinda confused but accepted the fact that he is Ethan's son. Dad comes over to get Jace so Ethan and I could talk to his family. Dad takes my diploma I keep my cap and gown. "What if they don't like me dad." "Ethan loves you and I'm sure the rest of his family will too." "I love you mommy." Jace says. "I love you too baby." 

"When were you going to tell me you have a child? How long have you known?" His mother asked him. "Mom I just found out about him two weeks ago. In that time frame my fiancé was kidnapped and we found out her mom was still alive and was going to be killed. So yeah I haven't had a chance to process it myself all I know is his mother left him at Mer's dad house with papers saying she had terminated her rights giving me sole custody of him. Plus did you think I would bring him around dad. After all he couldn't even sober up to come to my graduation. I'm grateful that Alex could make it." "I understand son but please understand your father wanted to be here he is just dealing with his own demons right now." "Whatever. Thanks for coming but we need to get going. We promised someone ice cream." "I have an idea. Why don't you guys come with us? The kids can play and we all can catch up." I say. "Thanks but i have to get back to my family." Alex says. "Me and the twins will be glad to." His mom said. Can I talk to Ethan alone for minute before you all leave? Alex asked.

Ethan's POV

Alex and I just got back on speaking terms but the way he is looking a Mer I will stop talking to him again if he tries anything since him and Beth are engaged. The ladies and the kids walk away and I'm left with Alex. What could he possibly want. "What's up?" "Why are you with her? She is a child and engaged come one Ethan you can do better." "First of all my personal life is none of your concern. Remember Beth yeah the one you are engaged to that made my personal life none of your business. For your information this conversation wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for her. So watch how you speak about her." "Ethan you can't be serious come on. What about the mother of your son? Why can't y'all be together?" "Because just like Beth she couldn't keep her legs closed. When I went back looking for her after our mission I found her in bed with Drew. My heart broke once again because someone I trusted wanted what was mine." "I'm sorry bro I didn't know. So wait is the little boy yours or is he Drew's?" "He is mine. I opened the results up this morning. Mer is the love of my life. She is caring, patient, loving and understanding. She has been through hell and back and still finds away to love and forgive." "She sounds special. Listen Beth and Jr are waiting for me so we can have our lunch date. Call me when you guys are free maybe we can try a double date and maybe a play date." "Ok bro. Thanks for coming."  I left and found my babies. Mer is still in her cap and gown and honestly I could take her right here and now. She is sexy. Anyway time to get the after graduation activities on the roll. She don't think she is going to beach grad but I'm going to try and convince her to come.

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