Where is Jace

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Ameris POV

I'm glad I finally told Ethan about my fertility issues. I mean I'm not at all ready to have a baby but I wanted him to know. Today me and Kesha are going shopping for baby clothes. We decided to still go to Skye baby shower although I'm still not really talking to her but Austin is my brother. I can't believe her mom is making a big deal about this. I mean I know she is having twins and all but at the reveal she basically had a baby shower. Guess her family want to show they are supportive. I was pulled out of thought by Kesha asking me why did we want to get her another gift. I told her because she is having my brother's kids. Lol I will do anything for my brothers.

"Mer showing up should be all you have to do. With the money you spend on the reveal and the stuff you brought them already. I mean I know what your brothers mean to you but it's like her mom is trying to one up you." "I don't care. I'm just going to buy diapers. With twins they will need a lot of them." "Well if that's the case I will be buying the same." Kesha didn't care much for Skye since the day at the store. We head to target and grab all the diapers they had. Boy and girls alike. I grabbed a few out fits and onesies. We check out and head to Jazz house for game night not that I really want to.

We got to Jazz house to only see a few police cars, my parents, Ethan's Mom and Jazz. I immediately think something is wrong with a Ethan. I grabbed Kesha's hand. "I can't go through this again." "I'm here sis." Lexi came to the car and helped me get out. "Lexi what's wrong? Where is Ethan? Where is Jace?" "Mer Ethan is fine he is inside talking to one of the detectives." "Why?" "I will let Jazz and Ethan tell you but Mer I'm sorry." "Lexi what is it? Why are you sorry?" "Come let's go inside." She locked arms with me and so did Kesha. When we reach the door Jazz and dad try to hug me at the same time. Ethan looks lost and hurt. I run to him. "Babe what's wrong? Where is Jace?" "He was kidnapped Mer." My heart sinked and I felt like I was going to pass out. Who took our son? Why? Why? My baby is probably scared. Jace mommy is coming for you. I felt arms around me and opened my eyes it was Ethan. "Mer come we need to go home. We have to get them a pic of Jace." I pulled out my phone and sent Ethan the pic I took of him and Jace the night of family game night. "I'm not going anywhere. I will not leave until I have the location of my baby." I say as tears start to fall. "What happened?" "They were in the yard playing and Lexi went to call them to eat and Jace was gone." Jazz says. "Lexi is that why you kept saying sorry? It's not your fault." I grab Ethan's keys and run out the door. I'm going to find him. I jumped in the car and drove off. To the one of many people that I knew had it out for us. Aly. When I got to her house I knocked on the door. I know I'm the last person they want to see. Good think her mom answered. "Ameris to what do I owe this visit. Sweetie you have been crying are you ok?" "No is Aly and Jessica here?" "They are come in." Aly and Jessica come downstairs shocked to see me in the their home. "What is she doing here?" "I come in peace. Please if you have him give him back. I will give y'all whatever y'all want just please give him back." "Who and what are you talking about?" "Never mind I shouldn't have came here I'm sorry. I know y'all don't have him." "Him Who honey?" Their mom asked. "Jace.... some one has kidnapped him and I know I have made so many enemies I'm just trying to find him. I'm sorry." For a moment I felt completely lost. "Omg sweetie I'm sorry. We pray he is returned safely." "Thanks." I left and just called Holly I knew if she had him she would rub it in. But there was no luck. She too hoped he would be returned safe."  I called Beth too but she didn't answer I left a message but doubt it will be returned. I went back to the house by now I'm exhausted and numb. Ethan met me at the door. "I was worried about you." "I'm sorry I just went looking for our baby." "I know. Natalie's parents don't have him. The police checked." "The only person who hates me that I didn't talk to was Beth." "Yeah I talked to my mom but not Alex. Hopefully they will return our calls."

Beth's PO

"Alex what the fuck did you do?" "They made it too easy. Now he can see he needs to be with the mother of his child and not that little girl he over there playing house with." "You and Eth just got back on speaking terms. He is going to kill you for this. The choice of who he is with is not up to you or me. He is happy with her and Natalie terminated her rights. Were you not listening when he was talking?" "How do we know it's true? I'm going to look for her and when I find her I will give her Jace. Then she and Eth can work it out." "When you come back me and AJ will be gone you will not put my son in harms way because you think you know what's best for your brother." With that Alex took Jace and left. I know I need to call and but I don't know if I should even get involved. I love Alex but I know Ethan is in Love with Mer and will kill for his kid. Me and AJ just have to go. I will leave Alex a note.

Dear Alex,
As much as I love you I have to think of the danger you are putting us in. Ethan will kill for his child. You kidnapping him was crazy. Me and AJ are leaving and I'm sure you may come looking but you won't find us this time. I will make sure of it

With that I packed my son up and we got a flight to the one place Alex wouldn't come looking. Dubai.

Ethan's POV

It's been days and still no luck on finding our baby. No ransom letter or anything. I have been following up on leads on Jace. Mer hasn't left our room. She showers and gets back in bed. Kesha has been forcing her to eat. The only person I haven't talked to is my brother and Beth. Which I heard Beth and AJ are gone. Mom said Alex told her Beth left him a note. Apparently this isn't the first time she has left him. I keep reaching out to Alex. I wish he would respond. I need my brother.

Alex POV

That Bitch left and took my son. I will find them as soon as I finish what I have started. Ethan thinks Mer loves him so much. I'm going to prove to him that bitch is out for his money. He needs to be with the mother of his son. "I want mommy and daddy. Please take me home." "You will be with mommy and then y'all will be reunited with Daddy. Uncle Alex promise." I just have to find his mother.

Ethan's POV
"Thank you for calling. No I will go see them they should hear from me about this. Thank you once again." "Babe was that about Jace?" "No they found Natalie's body today. Fuck" "What are you talking about babe?" "Natalie's dead so she don't have Jace. I need to talk to her parents to see if they know of anyone who would hurt him." "Him or her?" "She had a heartache is what they just told me." "Eth I'm so sorry." "It's ok. I hated her for hurting you. Now I have to deal with her parents and find our son." Pulling her to me. I loved her smell.

Two weeks later

Ameris POV

It's been two weeks since my baby boy has been kidnapped. I feel like apart of me is missing. I can't eat, sleep or anything. "Mer come here sweetie." Lexi said. She has been by my side. Me and my mom are not talking she is still making shady comments about Jace and me not being his mom. I got up and walked into Jazz room. I crawled on the bed with her and laid my head in her lap and cried while she stroked my hair. "Hey we will get him back. I promise you that." "I'm just ready to get him home." "I know you are sweetheart. All of us miss him. Hopefully the latest leads will lead him to us. Ok?" "Ok." "Are you going to the memorial service?" "Yeah it would only be right if I did. She did give me the the best gift when she gave up Jace. Will you come with me Lexi?" "Yes I will. How can I say no to you?"  We got up and got ready. Ethan held me for the longest time. I know he was mad at her for what she did but I'm sure he didn't wish this on her. "Come on so we are not late." I told him

After the memorial service her parents apologized to us for her stabbing me and for Jace being missing. They said if they hear anything they will let us know.

I sat in his room holding his favorite bear. He wouldn't sleep unless his bear was with him. Jace where are you?

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