Chapter 1: Beastie Camp

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When the bus pulled up at our destination, I thought I had come to terms with my fate. Being kicked out of my house for the summer to stay at some hell of a camp was pretty horrible in itself, but as I prepared to step off the bus, one glance at the most impossibly happy face in all of existence waiting for me outside was enough to change my mind.

"Nope! Not today," I spun around and made to march right back to my seat, only to feel a sharp tug around my throat. With a curse, I looked up to spot the bus driver's hand, or rather hook, impaled on the hood of my f/c hoodie.

He sported a red flannel under a hunting jacket, stained jeans, an old cap jammed on a receding gray hairline, and a grizzled mustache that looked like there was blood dried in it. The hook for a hand and ruined eye coupled with the outdoorsy clothing made him look like an old and creepy hybrid between a pirate and a huntsman. I had respected him 'till this moment, even went as far as thinking him kinda cool looking, but now I despised him just as much as everyone else I've ever met.

Anyone who sees me can immediately tell that I'm that kind of kid. You know, the one who hates the world, and is always despised by adults for their 'attitude.' It's not that I look terrible, my h/c hair and f/c hoodie don't really make me stand out from a crowd. But my expression says it all.

The mean bus driver hauled me out the door by my hood, tossed my bag down next to me, then muttered something about a "drink break" and walked off. Meanwhile, I lay face first on the ground, and resolved to stay there and think about my life's choices, and why fate is torturing me with this. But a split second later my wonderful plans were ruined yet again, this time by a voice.

"Heya, new camper! You must be Y/n. I'm David, one of the co counselors, nice to meet you!" I squinted one eye open and tilted my head, to see an adult's hand hovering in front of my eyes. I closed them again, hoping that it would go away if I played dead.

An awkward moment passed, then I felt a stick poke my side, causing me to stifle a curse.

"I think it's dead," rang out a second voice, this one sounding like it belonged to a girl.

"It can't possibly be dead, Nikki, science says that a fall like that is barely enough for a bruise," yet another voice said in a very matter of fact tone; how many people are there?

A fourth voice spoke up sharply. "Y/n get up, we don't have all day." I groaned in resignation, and finally picked myself up.

I rubbed dust out of my eyes then forced myself to look at my surroundings, and almost effortlessly connected each voice with a face. There were two adults, who by their clothes I assumed were the camp counselors, and three kids, all staring at me. Quite a welcoming committee, all things considering.

The kids, two boys and a girl, seemed about my age, so maybe middle-schoolish. The girl, who by the stick she was holding, I assumed was Nikki, had two teal pigtails, and an enormous grin. She wore a yellow shirt under red overalls/shorts that would make anyone else look childish, but seemed to match the scrapes and band-aids on her face and her crazy violet eyes. The know it all voice that ruined my brilliant strategy of being a corpse probably belonged to the nervous looking blue eyed guy in a yellow short sleeves turtleneck with tall brown curls. The third kid, who hadn't yet talked, and sea foam green eyes promising murder to people in his general vicinity, had a sky blue hoodie pulled over a yellow shirt, and his black hair looked fluffy.

The two counselors' outfits looked similar, but expressions showed them to be polar opposites. David, a redhead who I was horrified to see his green eyes still owned the terrifying optimism, wore a green t-shirt with a pine tree logo, that was covered by a half-vest kinda thing, with a yellow bandanna around his neck. He also had cargo shorts held up by a belt, and hiking boots with ridiculously high socks. The female counselor, who was the one that snapped at me, sported practically the same shirt, just with a v neck and shorter sleeves, as well as hiking boots and maroon shorts. Bangs came over her forehead, and the the rest of her hair was pulled up in a hair tie. She, unlike David, appeared worn down and crabby, with bags under her lavender eyes.

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