Chapter 4: Muack

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I woke up with bleary eyes to the most awful music playing; it sounded like a guitar horribly out of tune. Judging by the light filtering through the tent walls, the sun had barely started to rise. I groaned. This was the middle of summer, that meant sunrise was really early. Glancing over, I saw my own guitar was still on its stand; I would never let it get that off-key anyway, but it didn't hurt to check.

Attempting to ignore it, I pulled my blankets over my head. I was determined to get as much sleep as possible. There's gotta be a law out there that makes being awake at this hour illegal, right? I wriggled further into the pillow, hoping maybe it would muffle the noise.

A particularly harsh note wormed itself into my ear, and I cursed. That's it! I swear, I'm gonna murder whoever is doing that! I rolled out of bed with a growl, stomping out of the tent. Following the strands of music, cringing all the way, I found the source coming from beside the mess hall.

There was David, strumming his guitar and gazing adoringly at the camp flag. One look at me, and he immediately stopped with a frightened expression and a yelp of surprise. To be fair, I didn't really blame his reaction, I knew I looked terrible. I had just jumped out of bed, sporting frizzy rats nest hair, and still in my pajamas -so basically a ratty old t-shirt and sweatpants- with pure fury plastered all over my face. No sleep + no coffee = no mercy. Then again, I never had mercy, even with coffee and sleep.

I ripped the instrument out of his hands and proceeded to tune the guitar with expert turns of the pegs. All the while David was staring at me, dumbfounded. After a short moment -because I'm that good- I finished, then whacked him with it. I was a scrawny teen with noodle arms, though, so I wasn't too worried about damaging the guitar. I didn't really care if I damaged David or not, but again, noodle arms.

All this happened without me uttering a word, and I immediately marched back to my tent like a zombie. I felt bone tired and crawled into my blankets with a groan. I tried then to fall back asleep, listening to Max's snores. But no dice.

"Ugh. And... now I'm up," I muttered to myself, again sliding off my bunk. As far as I knew, nobody else was awake yet besides David the cinnamon roll, and, having nothing better to do, I decided to head back to the mess hall. This time, I make sure to at the very least brush my hair and shrug into a hoodie first before going out. 

I really hoped David had the sense to move away from the mess hall, 'cause I was not in the mood. Slipping through the green doors, I was surprised to see the Quartermaster already inside, working on getting the room ready for breakfast. I was kinda nervous to be there; the guy was shifty looking. He was nursing a bottle of poison, which seemed to be his version of alcohol.

"A little early for that, don't you think?" I greeted him skeptically, eyeing his choice of drink. His only response was a grunt, so I decided to ignore him.

I made my way over to the kitchen, letting myself in. I was an expert in acting like I owned a space, even after only being there a day. Thank the fates, there was a coffee maker. It was a shoddy one, with only the pod thingies, but that's sure as hell better than nothing. After waiting impatiently for it to be ready, I just kinda hung around 'till the counselors woke up. That is, until Gwen burst in, looking exhausted, and yelled at me to go back to bed before making some coffee of her own. 

Trudging to my tent, I set down my coffee, then grabbed a pair of jeans from my bag and went to the bathroom to change. One of the many disadvantages that would come with being stuck with Max all summer. I was already wearing the rest of my clothes anyway, the shirt I slept in would work just fine, seeing as I never took off my hoodie in the first place.

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