Chapter 6: Jasper Caspar

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Y/n's POV

I looked over my shoulder, absentmindedly strumming my instrument. There was a younger kid standing there with a sad expression, and I somehow didn't find it creepy at all that he was standing in my ten- not my tent? Getting a better look at my surroundings, I realized I was sitting cross-legged in the dust of a deserted Camp Camp driveway. Not a person in sight, besides me and the guy. Odd. I always practice in my tent.

I stilled the guitar's strings with a hand and swiveled around to face my audience. "Nice outfit," I drawled, "Very... tubular."

He gave an oblivious smile at my comment, which was sarcastically aimed at his dorky high tops, and really 90's looking triangle patterned shorts. The purple flannel peeking out from under his camp shirt didn't help the cause either.

"Radical, right?" He replied. His eyes flicked to my leg, "Gosh, that looks bad."

"Wha-" My bewildered response was cut off by a hiss of pain clawing up my throat, and fire lighting my nerves. I yanked up the cuff of my jeans to see something disgusting. Black rotting flesh encircled the calf and kept growing. Frantically, I whipped my head around, hoping maybe the mystery kid would know what to do. But he was gone. And judging by the bolts of lightning shooting up my gut, the problem was just getting worse. I glanced at my stomach to confirm the suspicion, and under the hoodie spread even more damaged skin.

Terror seized, and I started to panic, scrambling back as if I could run away from it. Ringing filled my ears, limbs disintegrated to mush. Lifting my newly stumped arm, I was met with glistening bone, and a whimper choked out of me. I couldn't even form any words to cry for help, all energy focused on my apparent death. Dark mist encroached on my vision...

I sipped tea and offered a biscuit to one of my furry companions, glancing at a digital clock. The screen flashed midnight. I grinned. Nothing like a late night tea party with some gremlins...

Running through a dark forest, brambles marring my limbs as I pushed through. Footsteps behind me. I gasped and ran harder. Demonic hissing sounded, spurring me even more. Dodging trees, hurtling over fallen branches, it was a miracle I hadn't tripped already.

Almost as soon as that thought popped into my head, I naturally did a face plant. Skidding a good few feet into the mulch, my face felt like hell. I scrambled back up, spitting out a few choice words along with some leaves, and kept running.

All of a sudden, I wasn't alone in my escape. Glancing to the side, a dirty blonde mop of hair bobbed alongside me, sky blue eyes oddly empty of fear. Despite being, like, ten, the familiar kid from before kept my pace, not even out of breath.

"Hi, I'm Jasper!" He then proceeded to phase through a tree trunk, which I had to swerve around. I somehow managed a fake gasp, impressive considering how little breath I had with all the running for my life.

"Why, it's Jasper the friendly ghost!"

"As if!" he retorted, sounding offended. The trees in front opened up to show a glimpse of freedom and...

The guitar strings came alive from under my fingers, uncoiling from their pegs, worming off the wood. They burrowed into the floor, leaving me bewildered...

Pulling my backpack off my shoulder, I stuck in a hand, rooting around for the house key. I closed my fingers around cold metal and pulled it out, already walking up the steps towards our front door. I frowned. It was a really weird shape. And purple?

I shrugged and stuck the key in the lock anyway. It still did the job, and already my sense of confusion was fading. After a moment, it felt completely normal.

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