Chapter 5: Androgynous, apparently

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We were working on some watercolors near the dock that morning, something about a lakeside view? I wasn't really sure, Max and I were a little preoccupied painting David as Bob Ross while he demonstrated. Needless to say, the results were a little blobby. 

Something seemed to catch Max's eye, and I leaned over to deface his canvas while he was distracted, leg trembling a bit as I put my weight on it. Before I could succeed, he nudged me.

"Hey Y/n, check it out." Max pointed out on the lake.

I narrowed my eyes. "Is that a... boat?" All I could make out was a gray smudge on the water, growing bigger by the second. Max alerted Neil and Nikki, and we all watched the smudge until it morphed into a distinguishable form.

"Aren't those the Wood Scouts?" Nikki commented.

I tilted my head, "The who?" 

"The Wood Scouts," Neil answered, "It's like a super hardcore, military boy scouts camp. The troop consists of four guys that are hellbent on 'recruiting' new campers because nobody wants to join willingly."

"They're also damn idiots, always challenging us with the stakes of taking campers," Max spat.

"You're just salty 'cause they took Mr. Honeynuts, Nikki giggled.

"Uh, hello? They also kidnapped me, punched me repeatedly, and made me be nice." Max's tone made me think that last one was the worst, despite the other worrying statements.

At that point, the boat was close enough for us to see that it was indeed the Wood Scouts, piled up in a rowboat, with one huge guy pulling the oars. The apparent leader was proudly standing at the front, one foot planted on the bow and chest puffed up with self importance.

"Yo, Washington!" I called, "It's Lake Lilac, not the Delaware." At my voice, he visibly deflated a little, and the rest of the group finally took notice of our visitors.

The Wood Scouts docked, and I took a mental note of their appearances. All four wore similar uniforms with tan short-sleeved shirts, boots, green cargo shorts and a matching green sash. The guy that I had heckled also sported decorative shoulder pads, and the sash was deep red with numerous achievement badges that draped over his stick-thin torso. His red hair looked remarkably like David's, and he had dark green pants instead of shorts. His pimpled face was twisted in annoyance at my comment, buckteeth bared in a sneer that showed off his braces. 

The one who single-handedly rowed the boat was tall, muscular, and bald; he reminded me of a bouncer, or maybe somebody's bodyguard.

A third, short boy was menacingly cracking his knuckles, one eye peering out from under dark brown hair, the other covered by an eye patch.  

The last kid just looked like a walking bully target; greasy black hair hung limply from his pale scalp, kept from going over his beady eyes by huge square glasses. His underwear were hiked to his rather large waist, coming up past the sweats that he appeared to have traded the standard shorts for. Nikki burst into a fit of giggles when she saw him, gasping out something about 'germy' In between the laughter.

David flashed a delighted smile at the newcomers, "Oh, hello! What brings you to Camp Campbell today?"

"It's Pikeman, take a guess," Max drawled. The leader dude, that I now knew was Pikeman, gave Max a glare, before clearing his throat.

"Wood Scouts Troop #818 formally challenges you to a... um..." Pikeman hesitated. "a... challenge," he finished lamely. Even though it was badly phrased, I despised those words to hell and back.

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