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??? POV

The reader grimaced at the author's attempt of a chapter. Their writing was kinda amateur and yet they kept reading, but they're really not sure why. The warning on her bio was right; the author really couldn't write romance. An idea struck the reader and, with a smirk, they clicked the add comment button and began to type.

"Then the Quartermaster revealed himself and murdered the two, finally proving that he really was a horror movie villain." It wasn't that far fetched, in their opinion. In all honesty, that was more likely to happen than anything the author came up with. 

Before they could click Post, a voice called their name from outside the bedroom door.

"WHAT?!" they barked. When, of course, nobody bothered to answer, they just rolled their eyes and continued where they left off, posting the comment.

This fanfic had been one hell of a ride, they thought to themselves. Not an emotional one, or even suspenseful, by any means, but still an okay read. Sure it wasn't that creative most of the time, but they still applauded the effort.

And the main character had been through a lot in such a short amount of chapters. She got thrown into a new camp, bit by a platypus, of all creatures, then was recruited for another camp, got an infected wound and went to the hospital for it, then was forced awake for a ridiculous play, and then having to chase after Max while he had a breakdown.

Now that they thought that out loud, though, it didn't really seem like that much. In fact, they could even go as far as to say the plot was a little bland...

The voice once again rang out their name, and they groaned, shutting off their device. Honestly, couldn't someone get a little peace to read some Wattpad around here? "I just wanna binge my fanfiction!" they whined to themselves.

A third call, this time more than a little ticked off.

"I'm COMING! Geez..."


And the book is over! Phew, that feels good to finish. Though the Quartermaster comment makes no sense considering the world broke. Let's just say that particular reader didn't comment at the very end, more like the middle.

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