Before We Begin (a/n)

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This chapter is more an introduction to those who maybe haven't read character x reader fanfiction before, and who may be a tad confuzzled.

So I'm going to abbreviate a lot of stuff that's meant for the reader to fill in, since the story is about the reader, to make it more personalized. For example, Y/n means 'your name.'

Hopefully most abbreviations will be self explanatory, but here's a full list:

Y/n: Your name

f/c: favorite color

h/c: hair color

e/c: eye color

a/n: author note (author notes are in bold. Like this chapter! *gasp*)

I'm going to try to keep this up to date every time I add a new one.

It's not much now, but then again, I'm new to this. Also, I've noticed a trend in Max x Reader fanfics. A few plot devices seem to pop up often, and I may just join the bandwagon. Of course, I will try to put my own spin on it, but I probably wont be completely original.

(Additional note from author from the future: y/n is very much an egg. If you read the fic with the assumption that y/n is transmasc and just doesn't know it yet, the entire thing makes so much more sense. This was not intentional at the time of writing, but in retrospect it's veryyy obvious. My gender is currently in shambles.)

Now that that's taken cared of... Readers, I wish you all luck on your adventures at Camp Campbell!

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