Chapter 9: Lights! Cameras! Action!

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"I love play rehearsal-" 

Nobody should have to start their day hearing those words. But, naturally, Preston decided to do just that. And he didn't limit the experience to himself, nooo, he felt the need to repeatedly sing the exact same song over and over to everybody as a wake-up call. Has this camp never heard of sleeping in?!

"I happiness cry whenever it starts."

"Mine are tears of depression," I groaned into my pillow.

It's just so universal-"

"No, it is not!"

At around the tenth repeat of the song, I finally got fed up. "Do you want me to reenact Dear Evan Hansen?!! Because I will shove you out of a damn tree." I yelled from my bunk.

"Not quite how the plot goes, but I appreciate the enthusiasm!"

"Should've shot him in the mouth; that would've shut him up," Max joked sleepily.

"Ooh, that gives me an idea." I marched/limped outside, up to a surprised Preston, and started singing angrily.

Look around, look around at how

Lucky you are to be alive right now!

Look around, look around at how

Lucky you are to not be dead by now!

History is happening in Manhattan and I just happen to be- 

"At the very edge of my patience, so shut it or Imma hurt ya." I broke off and assumed a dead serious face, speaking the ending like a death threat.

"But how could you ask me to keep in my utter joy of performance? After all, I believe this song to be a perfect fit for the day's activities, don't you?" Preston was practically vibrating with anticipation.

I stopped from where I was rubbing the sleep from my eye. "Huh?" I lost the wannabe actor at 'joy.' Though, I didn't really try to pay attention, in all honesty. It was too early for this.

"Today is rehearsal day for our production! And it'll be your first time having a major role, Max too!"

"Why'd you say my name?" Max inquired accusingly, walking out of our tent. He handed me my forgotten crutches, and I grabbed them thankfully.

"Because, Max, you two agreed to perform for me, and I'm holding you to your word!"

"What do you mea-"

"Be at the theatre for rehearsal at 5:30, got it? Oh, and bring the guitar! Bai!" He left.

I mentally scrolled back through my memory, searching for all our encounters with Preston, "Ohhhh, that's what the foreshadowing was about."

Max cursed as he came to the same conclusion. "I hate this camp."

"At least it's at 5:30, right? We have most of the day to chill 'till then."

He wordlessly showed me his watch. It read 5:00 am. "I don't think he meant in the afternoon."

"Ugh, I'll go get dressed." Five seconds later, I emerged again, this time with my hoodie on over my sleepwear, and the guitar on my back. Shoes be damned, who needs 'em?

"Why aren't we ditching again?" Max questioned along the way to the amphitheater.

"Because these things are binding oaths... that the devil saw?" I tried. Max just looked confused. "Please... I need sleep," I begged.

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