Chapter 7: Run Away!

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It's been an hour.

One whole damn hour, filled with excuses. Pikeman gives a 'reason' for kidnapping Max, I counter him with logic, he sputters, comes up with a new one, wash, rinse, repeat. The entire time we've been fighting, nobody even bothered to intervene. Well, Max was unconscious, Jermy had run to the bathroom long ago, Snake didn't care, and Petrol never talks, but you get my point. His justifications were getting annoying.

"We need strong scouts!"

"You, me, and Jermy all counter that statement."

"Uh, he was the first one we saw!"

"So you're lazy?"

"He hates Camp Campbell!"

"He also hates the Wood Scouts twice as much."

"He can open a jar of pickles!"

"What's that got to do with anything?" This left Pikeman stumped, and the gap in our argument allowed Petrol to step in.

The teen giant let out a series of grunts, causing me to pause. He made a good point.

"Welp... ya can't argue with that." I turned to Pikeman, shooting him a confused look, "Why didn't you just say so?"

Before the guy could stutter an answer, he was interrupted by a groan. We all turned our heads to see Max twitching around, eyelids flickering. Apparently, he was waking up.

And, apparently, Snake had no patience, because he immediately tossed a bucket of water on Max to speed up the process. I refrained from telling him that a book worked just as well; I didn't want to give him any ideas.

This sent the captive sputtering and coughing, and very much awake. After rubbing out the water, Max's eyes widened as he recognized his surroundings.

"No. No, not again! Why did I let this happen again?!!" The anger evident in his voice caused even Petrol to flinch.

"Because you is dumb?" I tried, halfheartedly.

Max gave a start, seeming to just notice me. "The hell you still doing here?"

"Your lacking I.Q. from letting yourself get nabbed still has nothing on them. Though at least they bothered using chains on you, that's gotta count for something," I drawled.

This earned another groan from Max, as he realized that he was, indeed, chained to the center pole of the Wood Scout 'initiation' tent via the ankle. By initiation tent, we're talking a place to hold and torture/intimidate the unwilling newbies 'till they saw the glories of being a Wood Scout. The only reason I even knew that was because Pikeman really was a needlessly elaborate tour guide.

And for some reason, I wasn't 'pigheaded' enough to need that treatment; his words, not mine. The info both insulted me and made me want to laugh. Did I not give a good enough fight to be considered worthy? Or should I make fun of Max for the rest of the summer for being 'pigheaded' enough to need special treatment? A real crisis, that one.

"Well, I'm off to bed," Pikeman declared, "Such a successful mission has earned a well-deserved nap for us heroes-"

"Yes, sleep!" I'd never thought I'd hear sweeter words come out of that tyrant.

"...and Y/n, you're in charge of recruit guarding."

"WHAT?! First babysitting Jermy, and now this?!" Pikeman just swept out of there, the other three closely following.

"Can we at least get some food?!" A bag of popcorn bounced off my head in answer. "What're we supposed to do with this?!" I complained.

"Popcorn sales were down this year; that's your lunch," came a voice from outside.

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