Chapter 10 Book 1( part 2)

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Chapter 10

Sam's POV

I had really the worsest day of my life,First Jyoti got the scary messege of upvoming death then that creepy nurse. Thank God the other girl is not that creepy.I was ditting in the lab alone and kept questioning myself impatiently.

'I just can't believe, why Jyoti has to get that messege only?' 'Why not someone else?' 'There thousands others on this planet who really deserve these kind of things, Why not me? I dont want to loose my love? No I wont let them take her away from me? No never ?'

I was yelling at myself as the time was skipping and we havent got any where yet. 'Why did that stupid scientist write such non sence ?'

' He could have given more hints ? What the hell am I thinking ?'

"Concentrate Sam concentrate,You can do it, You cant loose her again ?"

I tried to self motivate me as I kept a piece of paper in my hand.

The weird quote was rewritten in many ways just to find a solution but no output was coming out of it.

Suddenly Puggy started to annoy me and to add more trouble Einstein also joined him.

"Stop !..." I yelled on both of them.

"I will kick your hardly that you would struggle weeks... to use them for loosing your shits...?"

As soon as I yelled on them with frustration I realized, 'what Am I doing ! is this all that you got Sam,Calm down Sam and concentrate'

I tried to calm myself down.Both the dogs were still there but they were sitting now in pin drop silence and looking at me with their *Puppy Eyes*

I felt really bad for my behaviour and I asked them to come.

"Both of you come,I am sorry buddy's...I am just too much....I mean I am just worried...are you getting what I mean...?"

I asked while both of them were on there back limbs and they kept their front limbs on my thighs.I kept moving my hands on both of their heads and they seemed to be enjoying my show of love towards both of them.I wondered what others were doing, but I was sure they were all lost in their dreamlands as it was already 2 in the morning.I had spent the whole night in this weird lab which looked more like a celler, trying to figure out the solution. I wouldn't have tried this hard if it was some one else other than Jyoti.Even if I was at her place I wouldn't have bothered this much.She is really too precious for me.I cant imagine her turning into those weird shapes and collasping after that.

"Puggy you know, that your moms life is in danger !...I mean your new Mom's (Jyoti's), please help me,I heard that you guys can communicate with angles and God...if its true then you have to do something...just tell your God to replace me with her or just show me a way to save her...please Puggy..."

I was just behaving like a five year kid and for the first time tears were flowing freely out of my eyes,due to sobbing it was hard to breathe.

"Ooo la la muchiiii muuu, I know you love me please....(puggy licking my hands and trying to reduce my pain)...I know darling you also care for me...(Einstein also joined him)...Oh Einstein thank you for your love but now me...I know you guys can do wonders please talk to your angels,God's or whoever you can but help me....please."

I finally said before putting my head on their bodies while crying continously as they kept comforting me,in every possible way they could.

'Who says that dogs dont understand feelings,I think they understand us better than any human'

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