Chapter 13 part 2 Book 1

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Sometimes love freaks

Chapter 13 Part 2

Victoria's POV 

I really wanted to run away from Union Town to the place where I could enjoy back my peaceful life. The freaking people coming to my once a peaceful town have just ruined everything. The temperature is the next thing bothering me from last few days and these weirdly smelling corpses are adding more trouble. 

Finally I made a decision to leave this place and find another please where I could get rid of this freaking temperature thing at least. I packed my bag and Drove my car out of my parking lounge. I saw the same weird people on the roads and the markets were abandoned. It really looked as if it was the battle field of a big war. I never ever imagined in my worst night dreams that this kind of things could happen.  

I just packed my clothes and I didn't carry any food as my friend Kara from Cleveland called me up last night and informed me to get ready and see her at the outskirts. I just had reached the last road before the four way lights which was the first road to enter inside our town from Cleveland side.  

There I saw a bunch of deluxe buses were waiting at the signal to turn my way. I had managed to park my car in the out yard of an abandoned house near the road. I couldn't travel in my car! my dad's Actually. It was more of a wagon than a car as it had nothing except an engine to rotate the wheels and pathetic seats and nothing else. So I couldn't even think to travel on that in these conditions and that to for a long journey. So, it was pretty much useless for us.  

I saw the buses turning towards my direction one by one. Suddenly a weird man who was almost in the last stage of that weird disease, or whatever he was going through. He fell in front of the First bus's Tires. The driver didn't get a chance to apply the brakes and when he did that it was very late already. But that stopped the other vehicles to stop and within a fraction of seconds the place started to become noisy with the horns of the other vehicles which were not sure about the reason of the sudden jam. 

I saw Kara get out from the first bus along with a few other people and she examined the corpse which was almost a greenish sandy substance now and except his face bones his wrest bones were turning to that same 'thick' liquorish thing. As she was examining the body from distance she suddenly turned aside and started vomiting. I could imagine what made her vomit like that. I have smelled the same thing from last many days. But now my smelling senses have almost adapted the smell as it had mixed up in the environment around. But I could not hold the air inside my lungs for more than a few seconds and I had started using an asthma pump occasionally to keep breathing. I could understand what they all were going through now as I saw the others also started to vomit everywhere. This all happened in so short time that I managed to walk a few meters towards them only, when suddenly I saw a car blowing in the air with a big crash.  

Then I heard another crash and followed by another. A few people were still in the first bus when that blew in the air. It was then when I saw the long row of cars standing behind the buses and people were hitting each other madly trying to escape from here. I was really scared for getting closer to them but I wanted to see if Kara was fine. She was bleeding on her head and may be from her right arm as well. A young boy who had got down after her was hit by a broken glass of the wind screen and he was breathing his last breaths. 

But I just could figure out that what had made these huge vehicles crash so badly. But, it wasn't necessary to figure that now as I had to help Kara and see if she was fine. After I was sure that no other vehicle would crash I started walking towards them. Although I was sure that something was really wrong at that place but I still gathered the courage to move ahead. Except one mini truck almost all the vehicles have turned back and the remaining had hit them while they tried to escape and they were left in mid road at the lights junction. I was still 50 meters away from them and I could see the remains of the vehicles and flesh of human bodies scattered till here. And the things were burning around and even the bushes and the remains of trees started to catch fire. The temperature was already very hot and the fire added more fuel to burning air. I was wearing a gold bangle and it had started to burn my skin, when I touched it with my hand I was literally freaked out, it was hot like a burning match stick. I removed that from my wrist and put that in my jeans pocket. The smoke was another hurdle that I had to cross to make it till Kara. My eyes started watering due to the black thick smoke everywhere. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2012 ⏰

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