Levi watched as Armin trained seriously and was gaining some skills as Mikasa walked up next to Levi.
"Erwin said to get ready to leave, we have three wagons packed with stuff, and your horse is awaiting you along with them. Connie is taking care of him along with the other horses by feeding them Wild Mint and Sugar cubes."
"My horse will have a boosted stamina from the mixture of treats, that's good. Armin! Stop training, we're leaving!"
"Did he improve any?"
"He's gotten more confident in his blades, so now I should be able to entrust him with the task of killing titans on his own."
"Of course." Mikasa walked off towards the squad, where it looked as if they were going to war with the Titans, which they were.
"I think I'm ready, Captain Levi."
"Yes, so do I." Levi nodded as he got onto Shadow and Armin got onto his horse, they took off for the gates where Erwin turned to them all.
"Today, Humanity regains its full strength, and then we'll begin the attack, no more being on the defensive side of things, so let's win big this time!" Everyone else shouted in response as Eren looked at Armin and Mikasa.
"We get to go back home once this operation is over... are you guys ready?" Eren asked hopefully, but then Armin spoke up, with a darkened face.
"Reiner and Berthodlt will both just try to re-break the wall. Our mission should be to kill them first."
"For all, we know they might already be gone, Armin, let's keep hope. If we run into them, we know that when steam takes over they're just getting away, we'll be ready for that." Eren reminded, and Armin's lips formed in a flat line, signaling he no longer wanted to talk about it.
The scouts split into their squads and took off towards their quadrants, Levi was leading his squad with bravery. But no sooner they arrived at their quadrant, a herd of about 10 titans appeared.
"I'll handle the four on the right, Mikasa takes out two on the left, Armin, take out the other two, Eren, you finished off what's left." Levi took off and as he reached the titans he spits an insult, "You probably don't mean to be such a bother, but I hate it when people don't wipe their feet when coming into my house." Levi swung around the titan and sliced open its nape, then used the head of the falling titan as leverage to maneuver over to the other, killing it swiftly. Before long the area became a heap of steam and dead titans. They regrouped on their horses with Jean and Connie pulling the wagon, unknowing to the chaos that was happening on the other side of the land.
Erwin was unable to see, someone had thrown a bunch of smoke bombs into the area he was in with his squad, and now it was blinding him from seeing anyone else. But he could hear their screams as they were eaten alive, and as he was running through, trying to find an exit, a titan grabbed him. That's when blood filled his vision, his own, and then his ears were filled with a scream.
"Erwin!!!" A girl screamed, and suddenly the mouth of the titan was cut open by none other than Crystal herself, she grabbed Erwin before jumping down, placing him lightly on the ground, "I'll be two more seconds!" She jumped up onto the titan and sliced open its neck before running back to Erwin's side, tears falling down her face, "Erwin... I was almost too late.... please... I'm sorry..."
"Crystal...? I knew it..." Erwin coughed, and accidentally got a splotch of blood on her face, "You wouldn't be killed by a mere titan... You're too smart for that..."
"Erwin I'm sorry...." Crystal cried more, unable to say anything else as she held onto his hand tightly and Erwin chuckled.
"It's okay... Don't worry... Don't forget you can always count on your cousin...." Erwin was coughing through every piece of his sentence, gripping her hand tightly, "Let me go, go check on the others- Make sure- that Eren doesn't die..." Crystal's face went dark as she held onto him tighter then let go and stood up straight.

Never Trust Me
FanfictionThe Survey Corp just left to go reclaim Wall Maria, assured that since the wall fell, there would no longer be anyone living in this portion of the walls, but on a night of rest, once they set up camp, the place turned into nothing but flame.