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*Isabelle's POV*

Saturday had arrived and Luke still hadn't told me what his text was about, if anything he was avoiding me all together. Every phone call went unanswered, every text was ignored and whenever I saw Michael or Imber he wasn't with either of them.

"Have you heard from Luke recently?" I sat crossed-legged on my bed while Imber sat in front of the mirror, touching up on her makeup one last time before the party. She shook her head and stared at me through the mirror,

"Why?" She went back to putting on mascara, her full concentration now on making sure she didn't smudge any of it.

"Just wondered." I shrugged and made my way over to the same mirror as Imber. I stood behind her and scanned my body. My black ripped jeans clung to my legs and my red tartan top hugged my chest in just the right way.

"This outfit okay?" I did a small turn and looked at Imber, awaiting her answer,

"You look really pretty Belle. How do I look?" She was wearing a a black leather skater skirt and a black turtle neck bralette, with her hair curled loosely at the ends.

"Honey if you weren't dating Michael you'd get all the boys." I nudged her arm lightly and she let out a small giggle,

"I can always pretend I'm single for the night." A loud gasp escaped from my lips and Imber giggled harder,

"You are a slut." I burst into laughter and she soon joined in with me, the both of us laughing so hard that soon our jaws were aching and our stomachs felt sore. We made our way downstairs and towards the front door when my mum's voice echoed through the house. She walked in from the outside area dressed in a knee length white dress and heels on her feet,

"Where did you girls going again?" I rolled my eyes and turned to face her while I crossed my arms over my chest,

"Imber, Michael, Luke, Ashton and me are all going out for a meal in the city, I told you that. Where are you going?" I eyed her suspiciously but it all made pretty much perfect sense when Marcus walked in behind her with a navy blue tuxedo on.

"We're going to a theatre show with some friends, I told you that."

"Figures," I muttered and rolled my eyes again, earning a harsh glare from my mum.

"What about that boy you went on that date with? Do you not speak to him anymore?" Imber looked at me with wide eyes, waiting to see what I'd say. I ignored her and starting putting my black converse on. My mum sighed heavily and grabbed her coat from one of the coat hooks,

"When are you going to be back?" I stood to the side while she made her way to the front door,

"Tomorrow evening." I felt my ears heat up and my blood boiled,

"Tomorrow evening? So you're pretty much missing the whole day I call my birthday?" I let out a loud huff and she pinched the bridge of her nose,

"Alex is in, spend the day with him and I'll see you tomorrow night. Now our taxi is here, have a nice night." She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and slipped out of the door while Marcus followed her closely behind after waving a quick goodbye.

I stood at the door, not being able to fully process the fact my own mother had told me she'd be missing my birthday to spend the day with her boyfriend. I felt my thoughts drifting and how different things would be in my dad was still here. He would've taken me out somewhere nice, given me anything I wanted without a second thought, and I'd hug him tight and tell him I loved him.

I felt something heavy on my shoulder which snapped me from my thoughts, and I turned to see Imber with her hand resting on me with a weak smile on her lips.

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