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*Calum's POV*

While walking through the mall I got a countless amount of stares but then again I was expecting it. I looked like a mess and my cheeks were tear stained, honestly I felt as bad I looked.

It felt like I was wandering for hours and I was about to give up until I heard an all too familiar laugh from behind me. I spun around to see Michael laughing with Imber under his arm, and Luke stood next to him with a large grin spread on his own face.

I was about to walk over there when Luke's eyes locked with mine, his smile instantly dropped off of his face and was replaced with something that looked close to fear. He dismissed whatever Michael was saying to him and sprinted over, stopping directly in front of me.

"What the hell happened to you?" Luke placed each of his hands on both my shoulders and gripped them tightly.

"Graham and me had a fight," I spoke quietly, scared that someone may over hear. Luke let out a loud sigh, took one hand off my shoulder and laced it through his hair.

"Let's go back to mine and talk about it there." I couldn't find the effort to speak so I slowly nodded my head and let Luke lead me out of the mall by my arm. He didn't bother telling Michael and Imber we were leaving, he just turned and gave them a wave goodbye which they returned once they had stopped staring at me.


The hot water from Luke's shower felt good on my skin, hitting the top of my head and running down my body on to the tiled floor. I twisted the dial and stepped out from behind the curtain, after wrapping a towel around my waist I walked into Luke's room. 

He sat silently on his bed while he stared down at his thumbs, carelessly twiddling them. He didn't seem to notice I'd walked into the room so I cleared my throat loudly, causing his head to snap up and meet my gaze.

"Feel better?" His voice was more of a croak, he noticed himself and looked down at the ground while a tint of red covered his cheeks.

"A little." I gave him a smile but he was still looking at the ground so it went unnoticed. 

"Could I um, borrow some clothes please?" I rocked back and forth on my feet, remembering I was still only in a towel. 

"Sure, sure." Luke jumped up and headed to his open cupboard, he pulled out a pair of black sweats and a vest along with some boxers and threw them in my direction, I managed to just catch them with one hand, while my other hand was a little occupied holding the towel in place.

"Thanks." I rushed back into his bathroom and changed quickly. I ran my hand through my hair, my black curls already coming through as it started drying, I really do need a hair cut. I walked back out of the door and sat on the edge of Luke's bed next to him.

"So what's the story? The full one." Luke was pale and his eyes were glossy, but when he looked at me it was if he didn't see anything at all, he looked lost almost.

"Basically I over-heard Sharon and Graham arguing about me, and Sharon stuck up for me and hit Graham to which Graham hit her back. I ran down and me and Graham fought, then Sharon told me to leave." I shrugged, that was all there was to it really.

"That's it?" Luke moved back on his bed and leaned against his head board with his arms crossed over his chest. I bit my lip and started fiddling my fingers,

"That's it without detail." I heard Luke let out a loud sigh and shuffle on his bed some more. He opened one of his bed-side tables and pulled something out, before shaking his head and putting it back.

"What wa-" Before I could finish my question he was already speaking over me. 

"I want detail. I'm your best friend, you know you can tell me anything Cal," He spoke quietly while staring at the table he got the object from. I brushed it off as nothing and looked out of Luke's window intently,

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