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*Isabelle's POV*

"What did your mum say?!" I jumped up and down excitedly while my arms flapped by my sides. Luke only laughed and pulled me back down to his side,

"Would you stop, you're more excited than I am! And I haven't told her." Luke pondered for a while, gazing towards a wall in front of us. 

"WHAT?! GO HOME RIGHT NOW AND TELL HER LUKE!" I bellowed rather loudly, causing him to throw his hands to his ears so they were covered. He removed one hand and held a finger up to his lips telling me to be quiet.

I mouthed him a quick sorry, stood up again and started pacing around my room,

"Who else have you told apart from me?" I turned to Luke and he had a blank expression on his face, he shrugged and held the letter in his hands.

"Only you." My eyebrows furrowed, out of all the people Luke knows - and had known much longer - why was I the first one he told? 

"Well why don't we go to yours right now and tell your mum?" I walked back over to him and sat next to him, with my feet tucked firmly underneath me. 

"I'll tell her some time after your party on saturday, because if I tell her before she'll no doubt want to go out and celebrate." He scrunched his nose and laughed.

"But enough about me, do you wanna do something?" I bit my lip and looked around my room, trying to think if there was anything to do. Coming up short of ideas, I shrugged my shoulders and looked back at Luke.

"Wanna watch a film?" He nodded his head and threw himself backward to the top of my bed with his hands behind his head.

"Any requests?" I walked over to my DVD pile and started pulling DVD's out to see what I owned.


After deciding on Anchor Man with a lot of pleading from Luke, we were snuggled in the covers of my bed surrounded by as much junk food as we could find in my house - which mainly consisted of anything covered in chocolate. 

"We should have a weekly movie night, you and me. Where we just chill and watch movies." I looked at Luke and raised my eyebrows,

"Well I wouldn't of thought about not watching movies when having a movie night." He let out a forced laugh and flipped me off, returning his focus back to the mountain of food in front of him. 

"Some people," he mumbled while chewing on a chocolate bar, "do other stuff while watching movies." He flushed a bright red and hid his head underneath my bed covers.

My jaw dropped slightly and my mouth opened in an 'O' shape. I knew from Michael's stories that Luke was far from being Virgin Mary, but I had never actually heard Luke himself talk about sex or anything near the topic.

"Yeah and some people are just horny little bastards who can't control themselves, even when they're watching a good movie!" I slapped his body, harder than I intended, which was hidden under the sheets and I heard a loud grunt,

"Are you okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows and eyed the only part of him I could see, which was the top of his quiff that wasn't fully sumberged under the blanket.

"You just hit my fucking dick."  

What was meant to be stifled laughter, turned into Luke pushing me off the side of the bed because I was laughing much harder at his pain than he liked. 

"You can't just hit a guy and laugh while he is down!" Luke crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at me, although I couldn't reply from laughing.

I stood up and wiped away tears that had formed at the corners of my eyes, 

"I'm done laughing, okay I'm fine." I looked to my TV and saw that the end credits were scrolling down the screen. I walked over and ejected the DVD, put it back into the case and started looking for something else to watch. 

"Shit! I gotta go home." Luke jumped up from the bed which made his pile of food fall on to the floor at his feet. 

I walked over to the fallen food and started putting it back on my bed.

"Is everything okay?" I spoke quietly, not really understanding where this sudden rush of panic had come from. I looked at the clock and noticed it was almost one in the morning, oh.

"Okay yeah you need to get home." Luke looked at his phone and his eyes almost fell out of their sockets,

"Ten fucking missed calls off my mum! She's probably called the police by now, oh fuck my life. Fuck fuck fuck fuck." I rolled my eyes and watched him as he tried to pull his shoes on to his feet, but instead he fell over and ripped a hole in the knee of his jeans.

"Nice one, idiot," I mumbled under my breath as Luke clambered back on to his feet and brushed himself off.

"You're still coming on saturday right?" I nodded my head at him,

"Are you?" he nodded back and ran over to me. He pulled me into a tight hug and placed a small kiss on my forehead,

"Sorry! Sorry! It's a habit from old relationships oh I'm sorry!" I pushed him out of my bedroom door and down the stairs towards the front door.

"Just go home you stupid tree." Luke turned around and eyed me with a smirk evident on his lips,

"Did you just call me a tree?" I rolled my eyes at him again and pushed him fully out of the house. 

"Yes I did because you're weirdly tall, now go home!" And without waiting for his reply I shut the door in his face, making sure to lock it after considering I was home alone. 

I ran back upstairs and collapsed into my covers. Remembering I was still surrounded by food I sat up and went through the various sweet things in front of me, settling for a Galaxy chocolate bar. I flicked through my TV, looking for anything decent and eventually settled on an episode of How I Met Your Mother that was being shown. 


I was sat in silent darkness for around an hour when something made a short high sound, making me jump and scream. After I realized it was only my phone receiving a text I composed myself, thankful that no one had seen me. 

I picked up my phone from the bed after hearing the message tone go off a dozen more times. I furrowed my eyebrows, completely unsure of why I was suddenly getting so many texts. I slid my thumb across the screen to unlock it, to see that all my texts were from Luke. Every message was my name, before I could reply back, another text came through.

I don't deserve to be here, I've done an awful thing.

a/n: i'm sorry this chapter is fucking awful but i needed something to write before the party fuck knows

i'm listening to the midnight beast pizza is ibiza and this band is like my life they get me on a spiritual level 

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