Flash said Something Smart (Beware the end of the world)

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March 3rd, 2028

Nico woke up in a strange hospital – like room. The first thing Nico thought was, this isn't the infirmary – the ceiling here is green! He sat up abruptly, but wound up grimacing, and groaning in pain. Then it came back – Annabeth's death, Percy attacking the underworld to try and revive her, fighting Percy and Mrs. O'Leary, his father telling him to shadow travel away, Percy charging at Hades, and then, leaving in a panic, Nico winding up at the watchtower. Nico assumed that he had passed out from blood loss, and had, judging from the bandages, been taken somewhere to be treated. He carefully stood up, and walked over to the door, hoping to get more information. It was locked. That knocked out being in a hospital, or any normal medical building. He supposed the League would be curious.

Nico sat down on the bed, and put his face in his hands. What had the world come to? Why was the world so cruel? Annabeth was gone. Annabeth was dead. Percy was a traitor. Percy tried to kill him. The remnants of the seven were split in two. His friends hated each other. The Roman camp had banished the Greeks. He lost one side of his family. It was a bad situation for everyone. It was breaking him.

An ancient thought crossed Nico's mind, causing him to pause – Greek heroes never get a happy ending. He reminisced on the recent events. This was the fates making sure that the statement stayed true. He supposed it made sense, but it didn't make it hurt any less. Then, Nico realized something – he didn't want to be there when it all collapsed. He couldn't call the seven his friends anymore – they'd betrayed him when they let Percy raid his father's palace. Reyna couldn't help him – she had to keep her word as Praetor. Hazel was on Percy's side. Will had left camp awhile back, and hadn't ever Iris Messaged Nico. It was highly likely he was dead. Nico had no emotional ties to the demigods... to anyone. He could walk away now... once he got out of his current situation, that is.

The door opened, revealing Martian Manhunter, Superman, and Batman. Nico watched warily as the group walked in. It was silent for a few minutes. The air was tense as both sides studied the other.

"You're not here to let me go, are you?" Nico wasn't asking - not really.

"No." Batman answered anyway, "We need answers, and need to make sure that you are safe."

"Safe?" Nico asked, amused. He'd never been safe. The demigods and monsters attacked him, his father was a ticking time bomb, the streets were dangerous for any child, and the closest thing he'd had to 'Safe' was when he lived with his mother, and sister. Even at that, his father hated him, and constantly neglected him.

"Yes, safe." Martian Manhunter stated, "I fail to see what's so funny."

Nico shrugged, "Just the word choice. Anyone knows that living on the streets is dangerous."

"Look, we could find you a family – a new home..." Superman started.

"Been there done that." Nico rolled his eyes, "You guys saw me come out of the shadows. Being the only living child of darkness and death doesn't exactly give you the best chances of fitting in."

"... Excuse me?" Superman cocked his head to the side, "Can you please elaborate on that?"

"My father is lord of the underworld. I can't go anywhere without people, animals, and any living creature avoiding me. It's instinctual to avoid someone whose aura reeks of death and destruction. It doesn't matter if they're trying to help, or a kid, they're bound to hurt someone eventually, or go insane." Nico's bitter tone made the heroes cringe, "Of course, it's because I am a child of darkness that causes issues, and mental instability, not the fact that I'm a complete and utter outcast destined to face a life of misery due to social standing."

"Okay, I can see how that would be a problem..." Superman nodded.

A voice – Flash – came from the doorway, "Why can't he join the Team?"

"Flash, you aren't supposed to be here..." Martian Manhunter started.

"He's right. That is an option." Batman cut in, "The Team would be more accepting than most, and they'd have to trust each other. He'd be working covertly, which would play up his strengths. He could relate with a lot of them. He'd also be under League surveillance without making him a prisoner."

The others looked surprised – even Flash, "WHAT?!"

Flash celebrated, "I said something smart!"

"You want to put Robin in the same room as a possible threat." Martian Manhunter asked, surprised.

"I'm right here, you know."

"Nico does not seem to be a threat, but a victim of poor circumstance and parenting." Batman responded.

"Oh! That's so much better!" This is called sarcasm; Nico's specialty.

"Besides, the Team can handle themselves!"

"Are you seriously ignoring me?"

"I agree." Superman stepped in.

"Don't I get any say in this?"

"Then, let's get the other founders in here, and take a vote."

"I guess not." Nico groaned, flopping himself onto the bed as the others left. 

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