Magic, Science, and Mythology

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"Initiate- Combat Training." the computerized voice says as Kaldur and Superboy slowly work their way from the opposite sides of the circle towards each other. "3." the two begin to circle each other. "2." they're now maintaining about ten feet of distance from each other. "1."

Both charge, Superboy goes in for a right hook punch that Aqualad ducks under, retaliating with a left-right one-two combo. Both of which Superboy blocks, though Kaldur jumps and goes for a hook kick, that Superboy both ducks under and raises his hands for. As Kaldur lands he goes for another right hook that Kaldur dives back into a back handspring, landing in a crouch.

Artemis, Nico, and M'gann watch on. "Kaldur's uh, nice, don't you think?" Artemis asks, glancing at M'gann to ensure that she's the only one listening before she continues. " Handsome. Commanding. You should totally ask him out."

"He's like a big brother to me." she denies light-heartedly. "But you know who would make the cutest couple? You and Wally." she teases, looking over her shoulder at the ginger currently noisily enjoying his burrito. "You're so full of passion and he's so full of-uh-of..."

"It." Nico and Artemis finish with conviction, though their combined laughing afterward proves that they are just goofing off.

Kaldur and Superboy charge each other, with his bigger build Superboy gets his arms on the Atlantean's shoulder blades, before getting his boot behind Aqualad's barefoot and throwing him over his shoulder and a good fifteen feet away, on his rear.

Aqualad lets out a stunned cry as he feels his feet leave the ground.

"Fail > Aqualad." the computerized voice calls out, as his stats appear near the fallen Atlantean's shoulder.

Superboy stands up straighter, brushing off his hands. "Black Canary taught me that."

Red Tornado drops out of a hole in the ceiling. Gaining everyone's attention. As Superboy helps Kaldur to his feet.

"Do you have a mission for us?" Wally asks, speeding in front of Red Tornado.

"Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility." Tornado responds.

"Yeah. Well, the Batman is with the Robin, doing the Dynamic Duo thing in Gotham," Wally responds, tauntingly emulation Tornado's speech pattern. "but you're heading somewhere, right?" at this point all of the Team members were slowly moving in. "Hot date or a-a missión."

"If we can be of help..." Kaldur speaks up, counteracting Wally's general rudeness with very polite and formal speech.

Tornado looks the Team over for a moment. Then he turns and calls up the holoscreens. "This is Kent Nelson, a friend. He is 106 years old."

"Guy doesn't look a day over ninety." Wally comments in Artemis' direction. M'gann steps up on his left, immediately drawing the ginger's attention away from the archer.

"And he has been missing for twenty-three days." Tornado continues, either not hearing Wally or ignoring him. "Kent was a charter member of the Justice Society," the image on the holoscreen changes to cover Kent's face with a golden helmet and his clothes turn royal blue with a gold belt, breastplate, gauntlets, boots and cape the precursor to your mentor's Justice League." with that Kent's picture became Doctor Fate's.

"Of course." Kaldur realizes, sounding annoyed with himself. "Nelson was Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. He was Doctor Fate."

"Pfft." Wally snorted. "More like Doctor Fake, guy knows a little advanced science and Dumbledore's it up to scare the bad guys and impress the babes." he whispers to Artemis.

Tornado turns to the Team again. "Kent may just be on one of his... walkabouts, but he is caretaker to the Helmet of Fate." Tornado continues, "The source of the Doctor's mystic might, and it unwise to leave such power unguarded."

"He's like the great sorcerer-priests and priestesses of Mars, I would be honored to help find him." M'gann speaks up, everyone pays her attention, knowing that it isn't often she would bring up her life on their sister planet. Much less her religion.

Wally's hand shoots up instantly. "Me too." Everyone turns in, surprised. "So honored, I can barely stand it." Wally continues, suddenly sounding sheepish as he realizes all attention was focused on him. Behind him, Artemis glares. "Magic rocks." throwing in a Rock and Roll hand gesture. The blonde rolls her eyes and she crosses her arms.

"Take this, it is the key to the Tower of Fate." Tornado says, offering up an old brass key. Aqualad takes it from his waiting hand.

"What are the chances we both so admire the mystic arts?" Wally questions M'gann. She gives him a small smile but nothing more.

Inside the Bioship, M'gann at the helm, Artemis directly in front of her, Wally to Artemis' right, with Kaldur and Superboy (in that order) on her left. "So, Wally," Artemis begins, an already mocking tone in her words. "when did you realize your honest affinity for sorcery?"

"Well, I-I don't like to brag," Wally stumbles over his words, but his attention is fully out of the corner of his eye right at M'gann. "but, uh before I became Kid Flash, I seriously considered become a wizard myself." seeing that he has M'gann's attention he puts his hands behind his head and visibly relaxes.

Nico frowns, disconcerted with his lies, Artemis rolls her eyes, and Kaldur looks away from KF."We've reached Tornado's coordinates, but-" M'gann starts, as she brings the bioship down in the street.

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