The Battle of Mt Justice

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A loud clang echoed as Nico's sword crashed into Percy's, "Don't hurt him. Your fight is with me."

"We don't have to do this." Percy said, "Just help Annabeth, please?"

"I can't." Nico said sternly, "And you know that!"

Percy glared, "Yes, you can!" He pushed his sword against Nico's own stygian iron weapon. The force made Nico's arm give, and he dodged the blade.

The fight had begun.


"We've got to help him!"

"We can't." Leo and Robin said simultaneously, and they both shared a look of surprise.

"We'd just be in the way." Robin explained.

"Yeah, and getting in the way of the two greatest sword fighters in the world?" Leo shook his head, "Not a good idea."

"But... what happens if Nico loses?" Kid Flash asks, terrified.

Leo grimaced, "We better hope it doesn't come to that."

Percy expertly set Nico off balance...

And Nico fell.

"Percy.... Percy... please... Listen to me." Nico met Percy's eyes, "She was a hero. She was amazing. She was everything to you... but she's gone. You need to let her go. Annabeth wouldn't -"

"YOU DON'T GET TO SAY HER NAME!" Percy screamed, and went to stab Nico in the stomach, but when the sword came down, Nico was gone. Percy looked up, bewildered. Kid Flash gently set Nico down.

"Aren't you a mortal hero?"

"Yeah?" Kid Flash responded.

"Stay out of this, then. This is between demigods."

"Excuse me?" Artemis asked, bewildered, "That is our teammate and friend you're trying to kill!"

"Yeah, and we're not leaving him!" Robin crossed his arms.

"So he replaced us that quickly, huh?" Jason scowled, "Fine then. Come at us, but we will not show mercy. We will fight to the death - as is the demigod way."


"Uh... Can we just... not kill each other?" Wally asked hesitantly.

"What?" Piper's voice seemed hypnotizing, "Got cold feet? You can sit this one out, then."

Having seen the incident with Leo, Wally shook his head at superspeed, until he couldn't hear her anymore, "I'm smarter than that, sweetums."

"Excuse me?" Piper glared, pulling out her dagger, "I am not your sweetums."

Jason's eyes crackled with electricity, and he growled, "She's taken."

The clouds around the mountain darkened with the boy's mood.

"Dude." Was all Wally could say, "Learn to take a joke!"

Jason's expression twisted, "So you're another Leo?"

Wally laughed, "Uh... pretty sure that's not my name..."

"Definitely another Leo." Piper nodded.

Jason smiled, "You take care of this idiot, and I'll go after the Superman-lookalike?"

"Deal." Piper turned to Wally, ready to fillet him... but he was gone, "Wimp."






And Demigods,

All search for

The friend

That was lost,

In a battle with

Too high a cost.


The stormy seas,

Beg and plead,

For one to sway,

And do what they need.

The child of Hades

Cries out in pain,

And maybe,

It won't be in vain.

Two groups of friends,

With daring dreams,

Have a fight to end,

As soon as they meet.

Mortals will be made aware,

Of all the danger

That is out there.


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