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Mt. Justice

July 22nd


"Isla Santa Prisca." Batman says, showing the Team the map of the island, all stood watching, but Kid Flash was eating a bag of chips. Nico was standing a bit behind the group, but somehow he still manages to look a part of it. "This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neurosteroid a strength-enhancing drug sold under the street name Venom." the display changes to show the picture of the warehouse. "The infrared heat signatures indicate that their factory operating at full capacity but all shipments of Venom have inexplicably cut off. That's where this Team comes in. This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League need to intervene, it will." Once again the 3D projection changes back to the island map. "The plan requires two drop zones." said drop zones appear on the map.

"So who's in charge?" Robin asks getting Batman and Red Tornado to whip around and face the Boy Wonder before exchanging glances.

"Work that out between you." There's a pause, "All except Nico are dismissed."

Nico watches as the group leaves. The others exchange confused glances. Nico shrugs at their confused looks. He had no idea what was going on.

When they were all gone, Batman turned to Nico, "Nico. It has been brought to my attention that, perhaps, I should've given you a chance to deny joining the team. Therefore, I'm giving you the opportunity to back out. You will still be under supervision, but it won't be with the team."

Nico knew the answer immediately, "Yes, you should've given me a choice from the start... but I don't know anything but fighting. I will always fight. It's in my blood. If I'm going to fight, I'd rather fight for good, and not against it. In the end, I was on the cusp of either becoming a vigilante or villain, and at least this way I'm not the latter."

"You've gotten attached, haven't you?"

"That too."

"In that case... you'll be needing a suit."

Nico rolled his eyes, "I have my armor."

"Your what?"

"I can summon armor from the shadows - I don't need a suit."

"Fine... but there's one other thing..." Batman pulled out a remote and with a click of a button, Nico's inhibitor collar fell to the ground.

Nico looked shocked, "What are you doing?"

"You've proven yourself to be trustworthy." 

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