Bad Boy Nico

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Superboy walks the perimeter, coming to a guarded stop as he hears bushes rustling. Following the sound, he leaps to the roof of the school and strides across it with precision, grace, and ease. Landing behind a tense M'gann and Artemis. The archer even having her bow strung. Though, seeing both are more relaxed than he, brushes it off and walking away from the girls.

"Mmm...that boy." Superboy turns back, but upon seeing her look at him his eyes widen, realizing she meant him.

"He can hear you. We can all hear you." Miss Martian points out, a tenseness to her tone that is not normal for her.

Artemis is either oblivious to or just doesn't care. "Oh, I know." Miss Martian's eyes widen in shock, "The other one with the black armor isn't bad either."

"Sorry, but I prefer boys." Nico replied.

"Huh...." Artemis grinned, "Interesting. I thought you'd be a church boy."

"Lady, I came from hell. I'm no saint."

"Ooooh. A bad boy, then?"

"And don't forget it."

"You sure you're gay? Cause I love a bad boy."

"I'm quite sure, but thanks for the offer."

"Then I guess I'll have to go for the other hottie ~" Artemis singsonged.

Miss Martian's cheeks reddened as she got flustered.

"Miss Martian," Aqualad's voice cuts in, Miss Martian calming, while Artemis forces her gaze out of the corner of her eye to the sidewalk leading to where she and Miss Martian are. "Dr. Roquette has located the Fog. Reconfigure the Bioship so that Robin and Superboy can pursue."

Miss Martian raises her right hand and the Bioship lands in the small field before the fence. "Ready."

Superboy and Robin run out to it quickly, the open hatch closing right on their heels. The ship takes off quickly and smoothly, whichever one of the boys are flying has clearly been working at it.

Turning to walk back Miss Martian gives Artemis a small glare that's gone before the archer could even blink. Both miss the raven haired woman behind the bushes wearing a jade green tunic with black under layers and a mask with a Cheshire grin splayed for all to see.

Miss Martian keeps her back to Artemis, her arms crossed before she finally gives in and talks to the girl. "You embarrassed Superboy."

Artemis smiles at the green skinned girl. Almost looking innocent. Almost. "Didn't hear him say that."

Miss Martian turns towards the archer, even though she's looking away. "Must you challenge everyone?" Behind her turned back, the jade colored, Cheshire-grin-mask wearing woman leaps over the fence. Silent.

"Where I come from, that's how you survive." Artemis states, dropping the conversation there. Though Miss Martian's frown lessens slightly.


Kid Flash is leaning against the wall outside the classroom. The woman's shadow on the floor catches his attention. He follows it to the intersection but then sees it at the end of that hall. He uses his speed to try and reach the source. Skidding to a stop just before the pool, her shadow visible in the window for just a moment. He speeds into the natatorium, unaware of the hundreds of small spheres on the already potentially slippery floor.

He loses his footing, letting out a shocked "whoa" before landing on his back with a grunt. Groaning he looks up just in time to see the woman kick him in the face before all goes black.

She kicks his unconscious body into the pool, the 10 ft depth of the pool. Then runs off without another sound.


In the Computer Lab Aqualad stands beside Dr. Roquette as she continues to type.

The door only creaks slightly as it opens, but it is only open a very small amount before a shuriken comes whizzing towards the back of Roquette's head. Aqualad takes the hit for her. The doctor goes to stand, but Aqualad sees movement. "Doctor, get down." he calls out.

Roquette looks to the source of the shuriken, only to see the Cheshire grin. Her eyes widen and two more shurikens fly towards her, which Aqualad takes to the outside of his right arm as he knocks the doctor to the floor.

The ravenette- Cheshire- pushes the door fully open, running behind the computer desks. "Hmm." she muses, twin sais held in a reverse grip as she runs towards the doctor and Atlantean. "That had to hurt."

Aqualad pulls out the last shuriken out of his arm, his right tattoo glowing brightly. "Atlantean skin is quite dense." he states, as he pulls out his Water-bearers to form dual swords. Just in time to block her sais.

"And my shuriken are quite poisoned." she says, slashing at his stomach, then dodging under his strike at her head, then striking towards his arm which he blocks once more and pushes her away. Kicking her in the chest. She flips through the hit, landing silent and confident in a crouch on a computer table.

"M'gann, Kid, Nico, Artemis, we are under attack in the computer lab." Aqualad calls out.

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