Scapegoat Leader

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"Sportsmaster is the supplier/buyer." Robin says as all six run down the mine tunnel. "But it still doesn't track. He doesn't have the juice to acquire the Blockbuster formula or to get Kobra to do his dirty work."

Despite having superspeed Kid Flash remains beside Robin, though both are in the lead, with Aqualad, Nico, and Superboy behind them, and Miss Martian the furthest back and in the air.

"And neither of them have the chops to bond Blockbuster with Venom." Kid Flash agrees. "That took some major nerdage."

"I believe the expression is "tip of the iceberg"." Aqualad states. 

Nico pauses, 'Did Aqualad just make a pun?' before coming to a stop as the group sees Bane standing in front of their exit. Something long and metal dropping from his grip. Joining at least half a dozen more just like it on the ground.

"Halt, niños." Bane commands, something bright green sticking out of his left hand. "I'm feeling explosive."

Behind them are explosives on the second to last support beam, judging by the cave in they experienced they wouldn't make it out in time.

"You betrayed us. Why?" Aqualad asks, sounding honestly confused.

"I want my factory back." Bane states simply.

'Kid, you'll need a running start.' Aqualad says through the mind link, the ginger does as he's told and slowly starts taking steps backward.

"So I forced you into a situation where you would either take down my enemies or die trying." he smirks proudly before continuing. "If the latter, the Justice League would certainly come to avenge their sidekicks. And when the smoke cleared Santa Prisca would be mine once more." he holds out the trigger. "Blowing the tunnel with you inside should have the same effect." he didn't notice the blur and went to hit the button on to find it missing.

"With what?" Kid Flash's voice asks from behind the supervillain. Leaning smugly against a nearby tree as Bane turns to him. "This trigger thingy?" he continues to question, showing Bane the still intact trigger in his hand.

Bane went to go punch the ginger but was pulled back and away by an unseen force. Or rather M'gann's telekinesis. Now being held a good ten feet off the ground the others join her where Bane can see them.

Superboy drops into a fighting stance. "Finally." sounding both pleased, amused and some frightening degree of desperate. M'gann looks to him and fully settles into his stance. "Drop him."

She looks up innocently as she drops her hand, the force holding Bane diminishes and he falls right into the hard uppercut from Superboy.

Nico grinned darkly at the unconscious son of Ares, "That was satisfying." This gained some disapproving looks, and a snort from Wally.


"The helicopter is operational, exalted one." an agent states the rather obvious. Sportsmaster walks back down towards the chopper with the silver box from before. Only to be stopped as Kid Flash runs in and takes out the two furthest agents in the rows on both his sides, then over to one of the agents now shooting at him. Kicking him in the chest and knocking him away from the gun.

"Take the shipment!" Kobra commands. Two more agents come up behind him, and as Sportmaster goes to leave Superboy drops in, cracking the concrete mere feet away from the helicopter.

"Go again?" he asks Blockbuster. The monster roars, Kid Flash takes out one other Kobra agent between the two super strong forces, just as he gets within striking distance a stream of water takes out the monster. "Sorry. Not the plan." then looks over to ensure that Aqualad isn't being ambushed as he holds the water stream.

Sportsmaster gets behind Superboy, using the cover of the helicopter and hits him with a bright red blast from his gun on the teen's back. He gets two more shots, then starts rapidly firing as he manages to force the clone backward. In his distraction, Miss Martian goes unseen.

Until she tries to swoop in and help, only for Sportsmaster to hit her hard, disabling her camouflage and get her in a choke hold. All while still shooting at Superboy.

Kid Flash takes out one of the few remaining cultists' guns, swiping his mask in the process. "Souvenir." then continues to run as the agent falls unconscious. Shimmer and Kobra taking a step back.

In a second a bola wraps around her body and knocks her to the ground. Looking to the source Kobra glares at Robin. "I know you hate getting your hands dirty." the Boy Wonder snarks as if he did the cult leader a favor.

"True," though he reaches up and takes off his cloak. Revealing his shaved head and matching pale body. "but sometimes even a God must stoop to conquer." Robin smirks and charges at Kobra, bringing a knee up with a high jump. Only for Kobra to block it with one hand. His eyes widen, but narrow as he drops back down and goes to sweep out his feet. Kobra only needs to lift one leg. Robin pushes off the ground once more, a roundhouse aiming right for Kobra's face. Which the Cult Leader catches with a singular hand, then front kicking the teen in the chest and watching as he flips to land on his feet once more and slide back a few feet. His teeth clenching, but he doesn't attack again. "What's wrong boy? You look disconcerted."

"Just get it over with." Robin sighed.

Kobra laughed, "Giving up so easily?"

A shadow lashed out, and whacked Kobra. Kobra landed a few feet away, "Two against one? Two against one? That doesn't seem fair."

"Rule number four of survival... Life isn't fair." Nico scoffed, kicking the man in the head.

Kobra laughed, "Prepare to see the power of a god!" He charged.

"God?" Nico snorted, blocking all of Kobra's blows, "I've met gods, and fought things worse than gods. You're not one of them."

"Is that so?" Kobra laughed, "And who might you be?"

"I am the demigod son of Hades," Nico punched Kobra, "The Wanderer of the Labyrinth" Robin watched wide eyes, "A Hero of Olympus," Nico blocked Kobra's blow "The Outcast Demigod," Nico and Kobra exchanged a flurry of blows, "A Slayer of many Monsters," Punch, "The Wanderer of Tartarus," Punch, "The Unitor Of Camps," Punch, "The Ambassador of Pluto," Nico sent Kobra flying, and the villain growled as he landed on his feet and slid back a few feet, "but most importantly?" Nico grinned eerily, "I am the Ghost King." With those words, Nico stabbed his sword into the ground, and the ground cracked, Skeletons rose to the earth, and they charged, taking down agents left and right.

Robin laughed, and pointed to Nico with his thumb, "He's done a lot." The boy wonder smirked, settling into a battle stance, "But so have I."

Kid Flash runs around, taking out three more Kobra agents standing in a semicircle. The fourth remains and goes to shoot at Kid Flash only to be knocked out by a skeleton.

Aqualad continues to push Blockbuster farther with the water stream. Putting away a water-bearer his hand sparks like the eel that his tattoos mirror would. He touches the water to conduct the electricity. Lighting the monster up like a Christmas tree. His tattoos turning back to black as he puts his other water-bearer back.

Still firing at Superboy and holding Miss Martian, Sportsmaster begins to back up into the loading bay of the chopper. "Thanks for the workout, but I gotta fly." then pauses in his firing long enough to throw Miss Martian into Superboy and knock both of them to the ground.

Both of them don't even move as the chopper takes off. Miss Martian shows the trigger that they took from Bane to Superboy with a smile. Then presses the top.

Sportsmaster doesn't even know the explosives as there until it detonates. Setting the loading bay of the chopper on fire and blowing out the back. With that much of the chopper wreaked Sportsmaster loses control, seeing where he's going to crash he jumps out of the helicopter.

The chopper lands directly on the factory, destroying the whole thing


"I am plagued by mosquitoes!" Kobra proclaims, glaring down at Robin.

"Good," Robin grins, "because this mosquito is mighty concerted over your pain!" he executes duel helicopter kicks to fully knock Kobra to the ground, then rolls into a handstand and spring back towards the rest of the team.

The six stand ready to fight, Kobra glances to the side, then steps back calmly. "Another time then." then he disappears into the forest.

"He's gone." Nico stated, "I don't know how, but he's gone."

Robin attempts to follow but is shocked to find only shrubbery and darkness. He walks back to find the other five still waiting, though Miss Martian lands back on the ground.

"We picked the right guy to lead." Robin tells Aqualad sincerely. "Automatically making you the right guy to explain this mess to Batman!" then walks away cackling.

Aqualad can only look down in thought.

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