Leader El Luchador

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HIYA Icey 5105 here!

... WOW. Two updates in one day. I'm impressed with myself! 


They stood atop a cliff, watching as the Kobra Venom was loaded onto a cart.

"So there is a buy going on." Robin peered through his binoculars, "But if Kobra's not selling to the usual suspects then..."

"We need to identify that buyer." Aqualad realized.

"Just what I was thinking." Kid Flash agreed.

Robin rolled his eyes, "Yeah. You're the thinker."

"Sarcasm?" The yellow clad boy scoffed, "A real leader would be looking for answers."

Bane moved a rock, revealing an old mining tunnel, "Answers are this way."

"Now El Luchador is our leader."

Robin walked past Kid Flash. While doing so, he smacked Kid Flash with the back of his hand. Nico sighed in annoyance at the immaturity.

They reached the end of the cave, and Robin disappeared.

"Did the little fool already get caught?" Bane gritted his teeth.

"No." Aqualad and Nico said at the same time, "He just does that."

Kid Flash adjusted his goggles, "Stay put. I'll get our intel and be back before boy wonder." He dashed off.

"Wait, Kid..." Aqualad started, but the mentioned teen was gone.

Even Bane looked disgruntled, "Great chain of command you have there."

The remaining four - Aqualad, Nico, Superboy, and M'gann snuck around with Bane, watching as crates were lifted.

"They're only taking the most recent supplies." Aqualad observed.

The Martian shrugged helplessly, "Maybe freshness counts?"

"No." Nico shook his head, "They must've made a new formula - look the crates are labeled differently than the others. It could be a special request by the buyer."

"I hear a helicopter." Superboy said suddenly.

It took a few minutes, but soon they also could hear the whir of helicopter blades.

Lord Kobra." he greets.

"Sportsmaster." Kobra returns.

A girl steps forward, "The shipment is ready." she opens the box to reveal blue vials.

Sportsmaster holds one up to look at it, "The new Kobra-Venom?"

Kobra gestures to the venom, "A complete success. Our friends will not be disappointed."

"This is a game-changer." Sportsmaster proudly flips a vial. He catches it and closes his fist around it before he continues. "Finally, we can go mano-a-mano with the Justice League."

Above them, Miss Martian is in camouflage. "Aqualad, sending you a telepathic image of the buyer now."

In the factory, on a catwalk. Bane and Superboy watch while Aqualad has his eyes closed to see Miss M's telepathic image.

"Sportsmaster." he says, opening his eyes. "He is the buyer?" he questions, looking shocked. Then brings his hand up to his ear. "Aqualad to Red Tornado. Do you read?" He huffs in annoyance when he gets static, "Can't reach the League, Robin, or Kid. Comm's jammed. We need a plan now."

"I have a suggestion." Bane smirks, before jumping off the catwalk with a battle cry.

"Di immortales!" Nico cursed as Blockbuster broke through the window. The catwalk crumbled below the superhuman weight. Luckily, the heroes didn't get hurt by the rubble. Unluckily, neither did Blockbuster.

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