Hugs and Pain

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Superboy has frozen in place as they walked to the bioship after destroying the robot. Nico might have been proven right, but they knew that he had killed. They knew now that they would likely be fighting against him in the future.

"Supes?" Wally asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nico's crying."

The others exchanged looks.

Wally scoffed, "Good. He must've finally realized that hurting and killing is wrong."

Superboy shook his head, "He's mentioning people - Bianca and Will? He's saying they died. Something about a Percy and 'the seven' and wishing..." Superboy paled, "Go back. Go back now!"

"What?" Wally asked, "You want to go give him a pity party?"

"He's going to jump!" Superboy shouted, and ran the opposite direction.

The group froze. Robin's eyes widened in horror, Aqualad and Megan looked confused, and Wally mouth had dropped in shock.

"What? What's going on?" Megan asked.

Wally broke out of his trance, snapping his jaw shut, and running towards Nico's location.

"What's wrong?" Aqualad asked.

Robin turned to Aqualad, fear in his eyes, "Nico's trying to kill himself."

Aqualad and Megan's eyes lit up with horror. M'gann put a hand to her mouth, and tears started to pour from her eyes. Aqualad broke out into a sprint, "Come on! Let's go!"

They followed, and soon they found Wally putting Nico down in the alleyway. Nico looked mortified, and tried to bolt. The Superboy blocked the other exit.

"... were you thinking?" Wally said harshly.

Nico looked away, "I think that was pretty obvious. Why do you care anyway?" Nico scowled, "Why does anyone care? I'm not worth it! Why don't you get it? I'm a son of Hades! Yes, I've killed! Only when I didn't have a chance! The things I killed? They came back! They revive and then they try to kill me! The lone demigod never makes it! I might as well have never been born! I survived for four years on my own! Do you know how lonely that is? To be in isolation with only the dead for company for four years? To be betrayed at every corner? To watch the ones I care about die off one by one? To lose everything?" Nico looked up, revealing tears that streamed down his face, "All for what? A world of pain? A life of misery? More death?" Nico was completely hysterical, "It's been death after death after death after death.... and everyone tells me I'm heartless. That I don't care!" Nico laughed. The sound was broken and bitter on his lips. Tears still fell as if they were a downpour, and Nico's eyes were the sky, "They don't get it! When someone close to me dies, I feel it - physically and emotionally. It's an entirely separate feeling that only a child of the Underworld can feel! It rips my entire mind to shreds - and I'm left to try and mend the pieces alone. Then there's another death... and another... and more... and more... until I can't witness anymore! I've seen too much! I know too much! If I keep feeling the death... the emotions... the pain... the betrayal... then I want to -" Megan cut him off with a hug, and Nico eyes widened. His body went rigid and he flinched, but then he relaxed, "Di immortales... I'm sorry... I just... I can't... I can't...." He cried into her shoulder.

"I know." Megan hugged him tighter, "Trust me... I know. I'm sorry I didn't notice. I..." she gave a soft sob, "I could sense it for a minute there... your mental shield cracked... and I know. You don't deserve this. You don't. Whatever you've been through... I can tell that no one deserves that."

Nico shook with sobs, "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to... you didn't deserve that. You shouldn't have to feel my pain."

Another person joined in on the hug. It was Wally, "Dude... I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Don't do this again. You scared me. Please don't do this again."

Robin joined in, "And don't be afraid to talk to us."

"But I..."

"Robin's right." Aqualad put a hand on Robin's shoulder, "You're a part of the team. We need to be able to work together." They broke apart.

"Thanks...." Nico sighed, "I... I'll try. I promise."

"You know I'm going to have to tell Bats... right?" Robin asked.

Nico's eyes widened in horror, "Di immortales!" 

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