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HIYA! Icey5105 here!

This chapter has major trigger warnings, and so will the next. I am warning you now. 

TRIGGERS: Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, & Depression.

This book is about Nico healing from these things, but the next two chapters will be EXTREMELY depressing! If you want I can post an AN where I explain what happened in as little detail as possible. 

With that, I announce this chapter. 


They wound up in the Kitchen after M'gann burned cookies.

"Oh... I was trying to make Granny Smith's recipe from episode..."

She was cut off by Robin, "I'm sure they would've tasted great."

"He doesn't seem to mind either way." Nico said jabbing his finger at Kid Flash. Wally said something they couldn't understand in response.

"It was sweet of you to make any." Aqualad put a hand on M'gann's shoulder.

"Thank you, Aqualad."

Aqualad smiled warmly, "We're off duty call me Kaldur Ah'm." Then he tacked on hesitantly, "Actually... my friends call me Kaldur."

"I'm Wally." Kid Flash grinned at M'gann, "See? I already trust you with my secret ID. Unlike Mr. Dark glasses over there - Bats has forbidden Boy Wonder from telling anyone his real name!"

M'gann smiled, "Mine's no secret, but I'm M'gann M'rozz, but you can call me Megan. It's an earthen name."

Nico bit his lip in apprehension as everyone turned to him.

"Come in!" Wally pouted, "We still don't know your full name."

"Fine." Nico sighed, "It's Di Angelo - Nico Di Angelo. If you try to look it up, though nothing comes up, so don't bother." He have a pointed look at Robin.

"What? Not even a birth certificate?" Robin teased.

Nico shrugged half heartedly, "No. Probably not." If there was it's be from the mid 1900's.

Superboy grunts, and starts to leave. Suddenly he jumped, angry at M'gann. The room looked confused until suddenly Nico heard M'gann in his head.

"I'm confused... what is wrong." The girl was surprised to see everyone react badly. Well, everyone reacted poorly except Nico who rolled his eyes.

"M'gann stop. Your powers are an extreme violation of privacy on earth."

"Cadmus left a bad impression of telepathy on Superboy." Wally said once M'gann retreated from their minds.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry..." M'gann said, hands covering her mouth, "I didn't mean to!" Superboy simply growled and walked away from her.

There was a silence, and M'gann suddenly facepalmed, "Oh I'm so silly! I know what we could do!"

She started to fly off, but stopped when Superboy and Nico didn't follow.

"Superboy? Please?" She seemed genuinely sorry, and Superboy looked guilty. He walked towards the room, and Nico started to walk off, "Nico? Don't you want to join us? We could have some fun."

Nico was prepared to leave, but M'gann's pleading gaze changed his mind, "Fine... but keep Wallace away from me."

She paused, "Wallace?"

"Uh... Wally is short for Wallace, so I assumed that was Kid Idiot's full name." Nico couldn't just say he sent Rudolph West to the fields for abusing his son who had superpowers. Nico had a feeling that was private information.

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