#2 Just An Accident

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     It's a good thing that there's nobody around. Multiple bags are seemingly floating into the back of my car. It's pretty convenient, though.

"Ugh, it's only 6 now. Why do you always shop so early?", Squidlox groans.

"Would you rather all of us be sent to a mental asylum? It can't be much better from the other place", I deadpan. Squid sighs, probably remembering the unfortunate circumstances that led to his existence. Eh, I would of swam sooner of later. Drowning just made it worse.

"Let's not think about that. It's already been so long, and we're too smart to go back", Ghost says, dismissing the conversation and getting back into the car. Squid shifts back into his animal form, and I put him in the cup holder of the van after I get in. It's not like I can put a seatbelt on a squid. Ghost doesn't even bother. I buckle my own seat belt and start the car with a turn of the keys.

"So, bets on who broke something?", I ask, backing up the car.

"Demon broke a vase this morning, but I bet Vampire knocked something down last night", Squidlox chimes. There's always at least a few of us awake at any time during the day. My neighbors probably think that I never sleep. Or I have roommates who never leave the house. It's a good thing that I'm not very acquainted with them, even though we've been living here for a while.

Ghostlox starts to say something, but I turn my head around when I see movement. The car is just passing another side street when I see a large truck come hurdling towards us. I can't say anything before the truck smashes into the side of the van. Ghost is immediately flung out of the car. Squid flies up and hits the windshield, cracking it, but thankfully not breaking it. The air bags explode in my face and glass from the side windows showers over me. The air is knocked out from my lungs, but I've already blacked out.


     I laugh as Enderlox flies around my room. He does loops and does different tricks in the air. Outside it's very dark, and Mommy is a really hard sleeper.
"Do another flip!", I giggle. My other self is laughing, doing another quick flip in the air. Ender glides back down to the ground and lands next to me. I grab his arm and keep him from stumbling while he gets his balance.
"That's so amazing! I wish that I could fly", I sigh, letting go of him.
"Do you wanna fly? I could help you", Enderlox smiles, holding out his hand to me. I nod with a giant smile, taking his hand.


     I start to come to with a pounding headache. I groan and turn my head to the side. Multiple voices are shouting above me, but my ears are still ringing too badly to hear what they're saying. I couldn't of been knocked out for more than ten minutes. Police sirens start to assault my ears, and the voices above me start to get clearer.

"Sir? Can you here me? What is your name?", the medic is saying to me.

"Ty..... I'm Ty Lox", I mutter, almost saying Ellis by accident. "What state are you in?", she asks next, sounding relieved that I'm answering. She asks me a few more questions before letting me sit up.

     I'm bruised and battered with a few cuts from the glass, but otherwise ok. The airbags saved my head from hitting the steering wheel too hard. I glance around and spot the ambulance, loading up the driver of the truck. It looks like he hit the back of the van. It looks completely smashed from over here. It could of been a lot worse if it had hit the front. After reassuring themselves that I'm not injured, the medic packs up their stuff to let the police take my statement. I can't see Ghostlox or Squidlox anywhere. I explain to the police what I saw, and they quickly leave me. I can't accept a ride home so I claim that I can see my house from here.

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