#6 Down the Rabbit Hole

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(Picking up the pace here, no more filler or long introductions. Straight nosedive into the plot)

     "So no one can even see me?", Beatlox asks, finding it 'cool'. It's been a couple of days, and everything is just starting to go back to normal. Well, as normal as it can be. Beat hasn't ever taken off his headphones or turned off the music since he's gotten here. No wonder my ears were ringing so bad. He's constantly getting into any piece of technology that he possibly can find in the house. He made the toaster play music when the toast pops up. I actually recorded the last time he played Beat Saber and uploaded it to my channel. It's not my fault that I can't get him away from the thing for any length of time!

     Beatlox gets excited at the littlest things. He's such an innocent spirit compared with the rest of us. I think that Vampire's even taken a strange liking to him. Both of them seem to never sleep at normal hours.

     "Where's everyone else? I wouldn't think that it'd be so quiet with all of us here!", Beat laughs. As if on que, I can hear someone yell from the backyard, followed by a splash from the pool. Beatlox perks up and immediately throws himself off the barstool and down the hall to the backdoor. I can only roll my eyes and follow. Besides his seemingly never dying batteries in the headphones, Beatlox doesn't seem to have any abilities like Siren's voice or Demon's memory loss. Unless you count being naturally good any any video game he touches.

     I walk out the sliding doors and see Siren and Squid in the pool like usual, but they also have Pig set up on an inner tube. Beatlox is standing at the edge of the pool and talking to them. He talks really loudly and can be a little annoying at times, but everyone is adjusting to him well. Beat is fun to have around. He's like the life of the party.

          A sudden tapping makes me look up. On the second floor window, I can see Enderlox motioning me to come up. I nod and walk back inside. What does he want? This better not be about him shedding scales into the couch cushions again. Damn thing took a week to clean out. Waking back down the hallway, I start to climb up the stairs to the second floor. It's mostly just extra bedrooms up here. Vampire also might be holed up in some dark corner. I push open the door to the room where I saw Enderlox standing. He's still here, but now closing the blinds on the window. Demonlox and Ghostlox are also here and waiting for me.

     "When did we start a secret club?", I joke.

     "We need to talk", Enderlox says, not waiting anytime. "A lot of.... stranger things have been happening lately", Ghost adds.

     "Yeah, you mean how that guy was in the car during the crash? And the thief a few nights ago?", I ask.

     "And you still haven't told Beat about that place. He doesn't know why we have to be so careful", Demonlox snaps.

     "I..... What do you think that'll do to him? I don't want to know about that", I sigh.

     "He has a right to know about what's happened to us", Ghost mumbles.

     "And what about the break in? The robber won't remember it, but our house looks like it should have some security system. The car obviously isn't there, but we had lights on", Demon changes topics. "
     "Do you think thro could of been a getaway driver that ran when the one inside screamed? We're lucky it was so late; our neighbors didn't notice", I say.

     "And the guy looting your car after the accident? Could these be connected?", Ender adds. All of us are quiet for a moment. Everything has to be considered very carefully. We've only survived this long because of how our tracks have been covered.

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