#17 Show Me What You've Got

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     The room is heating up. That's probably my only clear thought at the moment. There's fire burning on the other side of metal grates. They cover all four walls and surround me in a heat haze. I'm still not sure how all the smoke is being directed away.
I don't like this. It was just hot at first, but the floor is made of a metal mesh while the ceiling is glass tubing. Without shoes, I can feel the bottom of my feet practically cooking.
     I'm so sick of these twisted games. It feels like the world has forgotten me. Has...... Has Mom forgotten me? The thought makes me so much angrier then I would've thought. This all her fault, isn't it!? There's nothing wrong with me; it's these people around me that need to forget.
I spring up into the air, intent on escaping the buring heat at my feat. I'll make them all suffer. I can make them forget and I can give them nightmares about what they're doing to my brothers and I. My bat-like wings propel me up to the ceiling, an I hang onto the glass tubing with my hands and feet. I can few that they're hot, but I can't be burned.
These people deserve to rot. Especially her. My mind reaches out like a phantom chain, latching onto one of the scientist watching me from a hidden camera. My ability goes haywire as I tear their mind into pieces.


I slept on the floor. There were enough blankets to make a few beds on the floor, but it was still uncomfortable, and my dreams were rather unpleasant. Demon must have been unconsciously squeezing his own magic with how tense everything was. I bet he didn't even sleep.

     All our sleep schedules have been thrown off the last few days, but Vampire is taking it the worst. He insists one staying holed up in our room. I kinda wish that I could do the same. To my surprise, Beatlox stays with him in the room. It's not crucial to stick together. Besides, they'll both get dragged to me if they don't come out in a few hours.

      "Ok, I'm not sure what all the rules are here, but try not to break any", I tell my Shadows, walking out into the daylight.

     "We're not kids. It's not like I'm gonna scream or anything", Sirenlox rolls his eyes at me.

     "You once made an entire bus full of people stand up and dance the Macarana", Ender huffs.

     "Fair point", Siren laughs. His ability is pretty short ranged when not in a small area.

In the end, Ender and Demon both choose to stay with me. I don't really know what we're suppose to be doing. Wandering around and exploring seems as good an option as anything else.

     I didn't have the chance to really examine this place last night. My mind was on other things. Still, it's a whole new sight in the morning light.

     For one, I smell food. Some of the tunnels on the canyon walls are a lot wider. Could there be entire shops and restaurants here? Do they have their own money system? I'm not sure what to do without Seto. He's been my lifeline in all this until now.

     "Ty Lox, right? I hear that's your preferred name?", the voice and a hand on my shoulder stop me. I spin around quickly, jumping a little.

The girl touching me is about the same height, wearing a pair of blue glasses. Her tang top is hot pink and matches her skirt. There's a slightly taller girl behind her, and I somehow recognize her as a Shadow. She's dressed as a biker in all black leather and spikes. Her eyes are pitch black.

"Who wants to know?", Demon eyes up the two, especially the Shadow.

"Oh, I'm Maddy. My Shadow's name is Abby", the girl let's go of me and nervously smiles. She seems very sweet, honestly.

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