#19 My Name is.......

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A/N yeah I know, pic. ain't so great, but at least its original.


When I come to, I realize instantly that this isn't real. The canyon battle has disappeared and was replaced by a black void. There's some sort of ground underneath me, but it has the same lightless color even though I can see myself just fine. I'm sure that I fell off the cliff, but I feel nothing in this place.

     I jump when someone taps me on the shoulder. I spin around and come face to face with someone........ familiar. It's hard to explain, but I know he's a Shadow. The stranger is dressed like me me, but his clothes are dirty and ripped up. Some kind of karate blackbelt is tied around his waist. The most frightening thing about him is his face. His skin is a sickly green tinge, and half his face has actually rotted away. I can see the right half of his bottom jawbone. There are red eyes, and he also stinks.

"Hey Ty. It's been a while", he smiles, his voice rough and scratchy.

     "Who are you? What is this place?", I ask him, but I think I already know the answer.

     "My name? It's Deadlox, but you already know that", he chuckles a little, "And we're stuck in your own mind at the moment.

     "Wow. Not much going on in here", I can't help but look around the black space.

     "That's because you're unconscious, dipshit", Dead throws back. 

     "And why am I knocked out? I should be helping to fight!". Dead's smile falls a bit at that, and he becomes more serious.

     "Listen Ty, I'm your 14th Shadow. There are 15 of us. Ghost and I just have the same trigger, so only one of us can exit at once", he starts explaining in a rushed tone, "We've done this before with the Hunters attacking, but only I can remember it right now".

"Done this before? What do you mean? I'm pretty sure hat I would remember coming to this place before now", I look at him, confused. He really is another of my Shadows?

"Like I said, I'm the only one who remembers. Over the last thousand years, we've fought the hunters in this canyon four different times. This is the fifth. You're the protector of this place. Think about it. The people in the White room knew that you had more then one or two Shadows".

     "I'm their protector? But I can barely fuse with a Shadow for a few minutes, never mind long enough to fight seriously".

     "That's because you're doing it wrong. It has to be all of us, Ty. Even me. Every single time we fight, seven of us vote to kill all the Hunters, and seven vote to spare them all. You've always decided to be the eighth vote to spare them. And then they come back in a hundred years. You have to break the loop this time". Kill them all? There's so many people out there! How many are just following orders? How many are just like Mitch? This is all happening so fast.

"Do I have to kill them all? Dead, that's a lot of people. If what you say is true, there's a reason I chose to refight this battle", I look back up at him.

"Well, that's alright, too It was a long shot anyways. I understand", my Shadow's shoulders slump, "Still, it's time to go back. I'll wake us up, and we can get them all to leave. It's alright". Dead holds out his hand to me. He wants to save everyone as much as I do, even if it's not permanent.

I take his hand.


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