I'm sorry

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Sam had stayed the night with me. I didnt get any sleep and neither did she. We stayed up talking and trying to distract myself.

"ALEX WERE LEAVING" my mom shouted. I got a confused look and ran downstairs. "What?" I asked my mother and my dad brought suitcases outside.

"Did you forget? me and your father are leaving, we'll be back in two weeks okay?" She answered. All of a sudden i rememberd my mom telling me last week how her and dad were going to Hawaii to visit my sick grandma.

"K, i love you" i said as i hugged her and kissed her cheek.

"Bye sweetie, i'll see you soon" she shouted as she walked out the door.

"What happend?" Sam asked.

"My mom and dad are gonna be gone for two weeks." I replied.

I started biting my nails as my mind wanderd off to a different subject. Telling Matt i'm Pregnant.

I wasnt ready or sure if it was too soon. I was probably about a week or two pregnant and by the time my parents got back i may be showing... I dont know though.

"Alex, stop worring. I'm gonna go call Matt and invite him over, we arnt gonna tell him tonight okay?"

I nodded and started thinking again.

What if he doesnt want this baby, what if he stops talking to me, should i get an abortion? No, i dont believe in aborting a baby.

Sam was upstairs by now and i felt soft tear drops fall onto my arms. I realized i was crying and the tears wouldnt stop.

I cant do this. I'm only fifthteen.

I thought to myself.

But its your fault, idiot you had unprotected sex.

By now my face was covered with tears. I don't even think my body is ready for this big change. My thoughts wouldnt stop. My tears wouldnt stop. I couldnt stop. It was all our fault. It was me and Matt, in a room together and we had sex, we acted stupid. We did what we did and now look where i am.

Sam texted me from upstairs and said she was gonna get in the shower. I texted back "k" and not to long after the text was sent i heard knocking.

I opened the door and saw Matt's tall fram and he pulled me into a hug. I hugged back.

"Sam told me you havent been feeling well or yourself. I dont know what happend or is happening but i'm sorry and i'll be here for you no matter what. I love you and need you and i promise i will never leave you again like i did. Once again... I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" his voice faded and his arms were wraped around my waist with my arms around his torso.

"matt..." i pulled away.

"Why'd you pull away?" He asked with a confused look.

"I'm sorry" my voice started cracking and my throat started getting that feeling when you're trying not to cry but you're going to.

"For what?" He asked again. He walked in the door and shut it.

I placed my body on the couch and he sat next to me.

"We did something stupid. Matt... we made a mistake." My voice cracked. I could see the worry in his eyes.

"I didnt want to tell you this right now, i don't even wanna know. I wish i didn't have to say this but..." I stoped and he had tears in his eyes. He was always that type of person that if someone he loved was in pain, he felt there pain to.

I looked down and stared there for a few minutes until the words came out.

"i'm pregnant." After those two words i cupped my face and started bawling.

Matt started texting someone.

"What are you doing" i asked as i saw his tears and mine. To be honest i was afraid that he was gonna get up and leave right now but he didnt.

"Texting Sam, i'm letting her know that me and you need to talk for a awhile without her here" he sniffed.

He put his phone down and wiped his face.

"so... are you sure?" He asked as he brushed a hand through his hair.

"I'm pretty sure... I took 3 pregnancy test yesterday and they all came out positive."

"And you're sure i'm the father...?" He asked as he looked down at his legs and cried.

"You're the only person i've ever had sex with... so yeah" i cried.

"Listen Alex, i love you, i love you, i love you so much. I don't care what life is gonna bring us, we're gonna have troubles and things are gonna happen, but like i said no matter what happens i'm always gonna be here. I promise you, i'm gonna be here for you and this child if i have to drop everything else in my life."

I weakly smiled at him. You would think i'd be happy after he said that but i just still couldnt stop thinking about how stupid i was for having sex.

I sighed and started bitting my nails. I closed my eyes and felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Uh, i'm leaving now and i'll text you guys later" Sam announced as i nodded and she walked out.

"why am i such a screw up" i asked myself outloud.

"alex no. You're not a fucking screw up. You made a mistake, we both did. Everyone makes mistakes" he said.

He sat up and grabed me. He pulled me onto his chest and i laid there. He played with my hair as i cried and whisperd soft things to me.

"It'll be okay"

"I'm sorry"

"I love you"

and the last one that hit me when he said was

"i'm gonna try to be the best daddy i can be"

"Were gonna be parents." I looked at him.

"and i'm sorry about that"

Update: Hey guys yeah errrm idk what to say but yeah only 3 people are reading this story so if you could maybe tell some people about this story that would be great. Xoxo Alexus -Owner

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