Sam's New Bike? one-shot story

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        Sam's  old bicycle  finally gave out.  As in the tires became flat, the chain came off, and the pedals gave out.  The bike was to worn out to do him any good!  It was time for him to get a replacement!   

        Sam   goes  to the store to see what he could find.  He finds all sorts of  neat things.  He sees  tricycles, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, four wheelers, and even a few electric  scooters.  He feels  overwhelmed by the huge selection before his eyes!   He takes a closer look at his options.  He thinks for a moment before he made his decision.

        Sam decides to purchase a shiny, bright, red motorcycle!  This particular one comes with it owns set of helmets and reflectors!  He pays the man for the new vehicle, and off he goes to see the world!  He  travels to see his girlfriend, Lila who only lives a few blocks away! To him it might as well have been the world as  he is so happy to show her his awesome new thing. 

       Sam parks it, and chains it up to a thick, pole.  He does not want to risk the chance it will be stolen while he is away.  He carries the helmets with him as he rings the door bell the apartment.  He smiles a big grin as he hears the patter of  feet near the door.

      Lila looks through the peep hole and sees Sam on the other side. She thinks, why what a pleasant surprise!  She is happy to see him any time even if it is spur of the moment!  She opens the door and embraces him in a hug.  She smiles and lets him go. 

      "Sam, I am so happy to see you!"  Lila says.

     "Same here, Lila!"  Sam says.

   "What is that in your hand?"  Lila says.  Now her curiosity perks when she sees the item he holds at the moment.

      "Oh this?  Well, it goes with my new purchase that is all!"  Sam remarks.

    "Wow, in that case do I get to see it?"  Lila ask.

   "Well, that all depends on rather you decide to go out with me today!"  Sam says.

    "Sure, Sam!  A date sounds great!"  Lila says.

     "Just let me lock the door, grab my purse, put on some makeup,  and I will be all ready!"  Lila remarks.

    "Okay, no need to rush!  Take your time, dear!"   Sam replies.

         A few minutes later, Lila is all ready to go!  Sam leads the way to the parking area so he can show her his new toy!  He smiles when he sees her eyes light up in amazement !

      "Well, what do you think?"  Sam ask.

     "She is a beauty!  A real  beauty you have there, Sam!"  Lila says. 

    "Does this mean you like it?"  Sam says.

     "Words can not describe how I feel about it, right now!"  Lila says.

     "I take it as a yes!"  Sam says.

     "Well, it  is one cool find!"  Lila remarks and smirks at him.

     "You got that right,  my pretty,  babe!"  Sam says.  He laughs when she blushes at his compliment.

      Sam reaches out his hand and pulls Lila up behind him onto the Harley Davidson.  He waits for her to fasten the extra helmet around her head, before he starts up the engine!  He smiles as he takes off!

       Lila uses the opportunity to hold on tight to him, so as not to slide off into the pavement!   She can tell he enjoys his new ride, but feels as if  he may be of a show off already!  She does not say a word about it though.  She just enjoys the feel of the wind on her hair, the closeness she has with her sweet, Sam and the fresh air about her!  She is one happy girl right now!

       Sam pulls into a fast food joint.  He orders the food to go!  He hands the bag to Lila who ties it tight to the handle bars.  Then, they both put their helmets back on, and hope back on it!  Now, once again they are off !  The couple  only stops one more time to enjoy their meal by the bridge that over looks the ravine.  It sure is a nice scene to take in as the sun goes down!  The company is great and for a moment they forget all the noises of the bull frogs, ducks, geese, the crickets,  and other people nearby.   They feel as if they are the only ones around!  It by far is one great date!

     Lila starts to yawn and soon falls asleep. Sam smiles. He holds her close and drifts off for a bit as well.  When he awakens, he realizes it is rather late!  Why it already half past midnight!  He gets up, stretches his legs, picks up Lila and carries her over to the set of wheels.  He kisses her and laughs as she gives him a funny look!  

     Sam waits for her to stand up and fasten the head gear in place, before he sits down.  Then, once she is aboard the shiny vehicle behind him, he starts it up one last time for the day and takes her home.  All the while, Lila thinks about the romantic time they had together, and for once is grateful for the fact they no longer have to walk to the places they want to go, or ride some dusty, worn out, barely held together by a thread, pieces of metal  and steel.  

       Eventually, they reach her place safe and sound.  Sam winks at her as she gets down with her purse and heads back inside.  He can hardly believe how blessed he is to have such a great, girl like her for his girlfriend!  Why if any one had told him a few years ago that five years down the road he was to own a Harley Davidson, date a stunning woman who loves him and earn lots of money he would have thought they were crazy!   Only the thing is that all this came true and much more!

     the end  to  Sam's  New Bike?  one-shot story  -Summer Cheng


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