s e v e n t e e n

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A/N: This chapter is short, but there will be longer chapters after this. Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!


"so, what do we do about this?"

"i don't know."

"our girls are deeply in love with each other and i don't want to stand in their way. there has to be some way to still be able to be in each other's life."

"yeah, there is. don't forget we have a whole baby together."

"so, what? co-parenting?"

"that's the only choice we have. i'm not doing court or anything else."

"co-parenting? i need to think about that."

and so, the married couple thought about it for days, discussing their marriage and the path that they would be going in after the divorce. their son, their daughters, what would happen to them? would they be mentally or physically hurt by their actions? their son would be born into a family that was so complicated, would he survive? their decisions would either affect his life or support it.

"so, we told them." lisa released the news, sighing with a slight smile on her face. jennie and jisoo gasped, jennie slamming her hands on the table while jisoo sipped her smoothie with her eyes enlarged.


"yeah, but it's affecting our family as we speak."

"don't worry, some things just aren't meant to be." jennie spoke, her meaning behind the word already known. the girls chuckled, sipping their smoothies.

"yeah, turns out they were together longer than we thought." rosé explained.

"wow, your family needs a reality show." jisoo said.

"no, the whole world would be confused and we would probably be looked at weirdly."

"so, what's next in your future?"

rosé and lisa were stuck when the question came up. their future depended on their mothers choice or staying together or not and, of course, they couldn't forget about the little boy that was yet to be born. "our baby brother will be born soon and it's gonna be weird telling people your sisters are dating."

"it's a boy?" the couple across questioned in unison, shocked.

"yeah, that took us by surprise, too." lisa giggled.

"aw, that's gonna be so cute. you know, you should tell your parents to name him leo. that name sounds so cute." jennie smiled, furrowing her eyebrows at the girls.

"leo's not bad. i was thinking roman or zach." rosé explained. she had been thinking of names ever since they had released the news, but she wasn't too confident about the names.

"i like roman, too." jisoo nodded her head in agreement. the name sounded so fancy and prince-like, well, he would be born into a very special family and he did kind of deserve a rich name for all the things he was about to learn in his teenage years.

"leo's actually nice." lisa agreed with jennie.

"well, it's not up to us so, calm down. i could feel a war coming between us."

the girls giggled once again, spending the rest of the day together before the two stepsisters were called back home by their parents, which was rare. they always made sure they were home before curfew, which was hours later so, something had to be wrong.

once they entered their home, they were automatically met with the two woman who sat at the table, expectantly waiting for the girls to sit. the girls were confused when they noticed the folder of papers sitting in front of rosé's mother, which led them to believe they were divorce papers.

"sit, i bet you're wondering what this is all about." lisa's mother clasped her hands together, sighing. she looked ultimately sad and disappointment, which led them to believe more that their parents were getting a divorce. their hearts were beating speedily and if the room was anymore quiet than it was, you would be able to hear the sound completely.

"with everything that has come up, we've decided to start co-parenting when the baby comes. we'll move out of this house and go our separate ways and you two will be able to get back together." rosé's mother explained, her eyes red as if she was crying before.


"all decisions have been made and it's final." lisa's mother interrupted, knowing what the girls would say.

"what about you two?"

"we won't get a divorce, we'll just co-parent happily."

the news had hit the two all at once and it was taking them a little while to actually take in all the information. "oh, and rosie, i think it's time you should know." rosé's mother slid the folder in front of her, which scared her.

"what's this?"

"just read it." she sniffled, clasping her hands together.

the teenager's eyes scanned the sheet and the sheet after that and to her disbelief, she couldn't process anything as she completely froze. the heart was frozen, her mind was frozen, and her body still as if she was no longer breathing because the only word that stood out to her throughout the whole sheet just might have broke her.

"i'm adopted?"

and from there, her body had hit the floor.

stepsister • chaelisa Where stories live. Discover now