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you know how some choices bring consequences along with them, well, jisoo's first choice of the day was to leave the lunch table early. it didn't sound bad at all until she made her way down the large hallways and into the girls' bathroom.

"did you hear," a group of girls was occupied with fixing their makeup, completely taking over the bathroom sinks and mirrors. jisoo wasn't even interested in listening to the rest of their conversation until her favorite person in the world name's popped up in it. "nayeon is gonna ask jennie out after school."

"why now? she could've asked her during summer, where they could've been on many dates together." one girl said. jisoo hated to admit it, but the girl was right. her and jennie could have been gone on many dates, but jisoo wasn't innocent herself.

"well, nayeon told me that this jisoo girl has been getting in her way. she says that jennie has been always trying to talk to her and she's always worried about her."

jisoo hid in one of the stalls when she heard her name enter the conversation. why was jennie worrying about her? during summer, they were perfectly fine until august appeared. jisoo was too busy thinking about what was said before that. nayeon was gonna ask jennie out?

jisoo couldn't let this go. jisoo grabbed her phone out of her pocket and quickly texted jennie.

actually, we can talk after school. -jisoo

she waited until all the girls left so she could finally go. jisoo hurriedly walked to the cafeteria, looking for lisa and rosé, but she just couldn't find them. she gave up and made her way to her next class, only to run into the person that she least wanted to talk to right now.

"hey, jisoo." nayeon appeared in front of her. jisoo didn't know what to do so, she just smiled and greeted nayeon with a 'hello'. she was surprised that nayeon didn't have jennie by her side which is fifty percent of the reason why jisoo was avoiding jennie.

"i'm gonna go." jisoo walked past her. the more they stood there, doing nothing, the more it became awkward. it was like a staring contest, expect it wasn't meant to be. jisoo made her way to her second to last period, happy that the day was almost over.


jisoo was making her way to find jennie before nayeon did, but she was too late. jennie was smiling as she and nayeon shared a conversation. her eyes scrunching up in the corners as she did. the thing is jennie used to smile that way at jisoo, but things just happened.

jisoo's face picked up a smile when she saw rosé and lisa sitting in the front of the school, but the thing was that she had to walk past jennie and nayeon to get to them. she covered the left side of her face as she quickly walked down the hallway and out to the front of the school. she sighed when she noticed that jennie didn't notice her at all.

"what are you rushing for?" lisa held her hand on jisoo's shoulder since she was almost about to bump into her.

"jennie, i didn't want her to see me, but anyways, guess what i heard this afternoon," jisoo sat down next to rosé. jisoo couldn't wait to get this off her chest and right now, she needed to hurry up and get it off of her chest before jennie came. "nayeon was planning on asking jennie out, right now."

"well, what are you doing here? you need to go find jennie and tell her how you really feel." lisa pushed jisoo back inside the school hallway. she looked around for jennie. she sighed when she found her, alone. the younger was placing all her books in her locker. "jennie!"

jennie looked around for whoever was calling her name until she seen jisoo rushing over to her. she smiled and closed her locker, ready for whatever was to be said between her and jisoo. "jisoo."

"um, what were you and nayeon talking about?"


"i just wanna know, that's all."

"it doesn't really matter, you wouldn't even be interested in the topic." jennie slightly caught an attitude. jisoo really came all the way over to her to ask about nayeon when really, she could have just asked nayeon if it was really that important like she had to know.

"jennie, i just wanna know."

"fine, she was asking me to come to the party with her," jennie crossed her arms. jisoo sighed, afraid to hear those heartbreaking words of jennie being taken. was she really that jealous? jisoo didn't realize it, but she was too busy letting her feelings take over her and forgetting about being a friend to jennie. "i was gonna ask you to go with me, but you have to take care of your younger siblings."

"it's not like you have to go, jennie. it's okay to say no every once in awhile." jisoo tried to convince jennie. jennie was the type to never wanna turn down something that meant so much to someone, but this was just a party. nayeon could go herself or with her other friends.

"you're right, but if i don't go, nayeon will be really upset with me."

jisoo was quite upset how jennie was whipped for nayeon. almost everything was about nayeon, for nayeon, with nayeon. nayeon. "jennie, you do know that you have other friends, best friends at that, right?" 

"yeah, but you guys have started acting weird around me and nayeon—," jennie was cut off before she could even finish the rest of her sentence.

"nayeon seems to be the only person there for me. jennie, i'm standing right here." jisoo was furious. jennie must really love nayeon.

"jisoo, it's not like—,"

"it's fine, i guess i meant something to you while nayeon only meant more," jisoo slowly walked away from jennie. she chuckled before speaking again. "and to think that we were best friends." jisoo finally walked away, but this time, in tears.

jennie groaned and hit her fist against her locker. her knuckles were already white from holding them tightly in a fist form, but she didn't care. how could she be so oblivious to her own best friend? jisoo was never like this which made so much sense to her, finally.

meanwhile, jisoo sat down next to rosé, crying her eyes out. rosé rubbed her back, seeing how sad this must have really made her. she looked up at lisa, not knowing what to do, but lisa only shrugged her shoulder, not knowing what to do either. even though this situation wasn't about her and rosé, lisa thought if this would happen between her and rosé, expect their situation was very different.   

"let's go, we don't want anyone seeing you like this." rosé wrapped her arm around jisoo's waist, helping her get up. jisoo laid her head, gently on to rosé's shoulder. they were headed to jisoo's house while jennie rode the bus home.


both girls bawled their eyes out that night. the next morning, neither of them felt like getting up and going to school, but eventually, they did, except jennie came late. she missed her first class which meant she left nayeon alone that morning, but she didn't really care.

jennie wanted to talk to jisoo, all day, but she knew jisoo wasn't even in the slightest mood to even see her face. jennie sighed when she saw jisoo in the library, but walked away. jennie has never dealt with something so heartbreaking and sad that really got to her this bad.

jennie just couldn't stand the way jisoo describe herself as if nayeon was better because she wasn't. jisoo was. jisoo was the one who meant more, not nayeon.

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