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sorry this took so much time to update, i'm super busy atm

anyway hope you enjoy



Cheryl Blossom woke up to the loud sound of her alarm, feeling the vibrations of her phone on her bed, she turned to look at the time

6:15 A.M.

at first she was confused to why she was up so early, that's when she remembered, school. She opened her eyes a bit more and pushed the covers of her bed off her body, the cold breeze quickly hit her body and sent shivers throughout her whole back. She couldn't believe that this was her new home. She quickly got up and out of her bed and started walking towards her new bathroom, she could barely see anything, the sun wasn't even up yet.

She turned on the lights of the pale cream colored bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, her hair was in a messy bun and the bags under her eyes were more visible than ever. She started by washing her face by splashing it with the coldest water she had ever felt, that for sure woke her up. Her hands then drifted toward the giant makeup stash that she had perfectly laid out the night before, picking up her brushes and starting to apply it.

after having done her hair, put on her makeup and get dressed into red jeans and a white top that matched her gold necklace, Cheryl put on her shoes and sped downstairs to greet her family that had probably already forgotten her existence.

Cheryl glanced at her phone to check on the time

6:45 A.M.

geez i only have 15 minutes until i leave for school, since when did education get so hard

as she arrived at the bottom of the staircase, Cheryl was expecting to hear her family talking, but she didn't, the lights weren't even on, did she get up early? or even worse, late.

''Cheryl! You're up! Finally, I've been waiting for you since 6 am!''

Cheryl jumped up at the sound of her brother practically screaming and jumping up and down of excitement

"Jesus Christ Jason, you scared the shit out of me''

she looked around and saw that he was the only one down there

"where are mom and dad"

she quickly saw her brother's face change expressions and his smile turn into a frown

"oh um, they didn't bother to get up, i guess they were just really tired, but the driver is taking us to school in 15 minutes so you better hurry up"

of course her parents didn't get up, why did she even think they would in the first place, they never get up. I guess she wanted the to get up just this once, not for her, she was used to being disappointed, but for Jason. Sweet Jason, what would she do without him.

"okay well have you eaten?''

"um yeah i have, ill just wait for you in the car"

Cheryl didn't want to make him wait for her that long so she grabbed a piece of toast and rushed upstairs to brush her teeth and put on perfume, she then sped downstairs with her school bag and went out the front door.

The moment she opened the big doors, a cold wind hit her face, making her nose tingle and her ears numb

is it always cold in this town

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