Just Friends

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Hey ya'll, sorry for the huge amount of time it's taking to update these, i have mid finals week so its hard for me to find time to write

Anyway, tell me if you guys like this story line, i'm trying something new so give feedback

hope you guys like it



The pink haired girl yelled as she waited for her best friend outside of the over-sized house, it had become a habit of Toni and Cheryl to go to school together, at first they would awkwardly go with Cheryl's driver but after a while, they moved on to either taking Toni's bike, which at first scared the life out of Cheryl, or going on Cheryl's new car that she had gotten for her 16th birthday.


Toni's toes as well as the tip of her fingers were completely numb by now but Cheryl being late was no surprise to anyone, after 3 years of friendship, the two girls pretty much knew each other by heart, from their favorite foods to their deepest secrets.

It turns out that Cheryl had actually gotten used to Riverdale relatively fast, Toni was her number 1 friend since day one and they just stuck together since then. Toni had been by Cheryl's side every step of the way, Jason's death was tragic for Cheryl and almost killed her internally but Toni helped her keep it together by talking it out and being there, something that Cheryl had never had before. Cheryl's family issues were also a frequent conversation topic in the middle of the night when Cheryl would call Toni crying and sobbing from the pain that her mother had caused her. Toni would always just sit there quietly and listen to Cheryl, letting her know it was going to be okay.

Toni had also opened up about the gang that she was part of, the South Side Serpents, Cheryl was actually really amused when she heard about the fact that Toni was in a gang and had to be rough and fight every now and then. Cheryl had also found out that Toni wasn't the only one, SweatPea and Fangs were also part of it, she would later go on to grow close to them too.

Overall Cheryl and Toni's friendship had grown a lot since Cheryl's first day at Riverdale high and it was all uphill from there on, sure they would fight about stupid stuff now and then but nothing that could break them apart

"Okay i'm here, so are we taking your bike or my car?"

Toni instantly smiled and responded in a amused voice

"Well i guess it depends, do you really need all your 5 fingers because i'm sure that on my bike, frost bite will freeze at least one of them, if we're lucky then we'll even lose a whole hand"

The red head made a frown which quickly turned into burst of laughter coming from both of them

"Okay then, i guess car it is"

She said as she took the red keys out from her purse and clicked on a button, which made the car make a clicking sound. The two friends made their way to the red car that matched its keys and opened up the redhead's car.

"Please turn on the heating for Pete's sake, i can't take this anymore, I'M FREEZING!"

Toni was practically shaking from how cold it was and Cheryl was quick to listen to her friend and turn on the heating in her car, making Toni grin from ear to ear

"Thank god for heating"

The pink haired serpent mumbled as she brought her hands up to the small vent and sighed in relief as she felt the warm winds hit her small fingers. Cheryl started laughing yet once again at her friend, causing Toni to start laughing , they would often go out it giant laughing fits like this.

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