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I have nothing to say apart from the fact that this is going to be a long ride 



Cheryl screamed as she tossed the pancake on the ground, making a hard splat as it hit the floor


Toni retaliated as she ran toward the package of sweet small pieced of chocolates and brought it towards the pan, getting abruptly stopped by her best friend which pushed her away from the pan.


The redhead stopped mid-sentence as she felt the cold substance hit her warm cheek, letting it run down to her jawline, scraping the sides of her mouth. Cheryl's jaw fell open, she couldn't believe what Toni had just done


It was now the redhead's turn to plunge her hand into the thick batter and take it back out again, leaving it covered in the liquid, she flicked her whole hand towards Toni, making her covered in batter, the pink haired girl's face was practically frozen. Both of the girls just stared at each other for a while before a slight grin formed on Toni's face, breaking the silence and causing them both to break out in laughter, the room filled with joy and it was like nothing mattered anymore.

After having laughed non-stop for a good ten minutes, Cheryl stood back up and cleared her throat, trying not to break into laughter, they were both glued together rolling on the ground from how much they were laughing and it was hard to stop

"Um so, I guess we're going with half blueberries, half chocolate chi...?"

her voice trailed off as her best friend stood back up right next to her, making them both extremely close to each other, all of a sudden her heart started beating and she felt loops in her stomach, it was the same feeling she would get every time she fell for Toni, she could feel her breath on her skin and the sweet scent of her perfume was surrounding them. As for Toni, her faded pink hair was in a ponytail, leaving a couple strands to fall in front of her deep brown eyes, boy was she beautiful. An even bigger silence formed as both girls stood across from each other, their bodies barely touching.

"Um, you still have pancake batter on your fa..."

As the redhead tried to break the silence, her voice trailed off yet again as she felt Toni get even closer to her, and about two seconds later, she could feel her getting on her tiptoes and moving closer to her ear and whisper something in her ear

"Mhm, it's okay"

Toni's voice was the softest it had ever been and sent tingles throughout Cheryl's entire body, almost making her shake 

Toni then proceeded to lean back and move even closer, to the point where if she were to even move a tiny bit more, their lips would connect and send Cheryl into a world of fantasy. The redhead could hear her heartbeat in every single part of her body, she could feel her face warming up and the butterflies in her stomach were more agitated than ever. It was happening, they were going to kiss, she had been waiting for this moment for over three years and all that waiting paid off, she saw Toni's soft lips get closer and closer to hers, her eyes slowly closed as she was about to connect them, finally, it was finally going to-

*Phone ringing*

Both of the girls jumped up and quickly zapped back to reality, leaving the whole situation a mess

"Oh um, i-i'm sorry, I should probably get that"

Toni awkwardly moved back and directed herself towards her phone, gently picking it up and answering it, if Cheryl was sure about one thing, it was that whoever the caller was, it had to be important enough because it literally broke up what could've been their first and only kiss

Cheryl watched as Toni picked her phone up and waited for the other person on the line to speak and as soon as she saw Toni's expression on her face, she was certain of who it was

"Um yeah. Sure...Okay, so today at 3? Sounds great, see you then"

Toni quickly hung up and stared at her best friends with the blankest look on her face

"Chery um...Veronica just asked me out for a coffee this afternoon"

The red head's heart dropped and she could feel her eyes warm up, trying her best to contain the thick tears that started to form, a blink away from falling down her cheeks

"Oh um, so like... a date?''

The minute Cheryl asked that question she regretted it, and she regretted it for one reason and one reason only: She already knew the answer. She felt heartbroken, not good enough, abandoned, she felt like a fool, she had believed in something unrealistic

"Well yeah I guess"

She knew it, she knew that this was all going to come crashing down, but the problem was, she couldn't stop asking questions about it

"So are you going to go? I mean, do you like her?"

Toni rolled her eyes and grinned at Cheryl as she looked at her from the corner of her eye, making Cheryl's' head heat up even more than it already was


Toni let out a smart laugh and started walking towards the batter that had been left untouched, Cheryl was being the quietest she'd ever been and it was sending weird vibes that filled the room

"So um...we can do blueberries if you want, I don't mind honestly"

Toni awkwardly played with the bowl as she turned on the stove, watching as Cheryl just plainly nodded and sat down at the table, not letting out a single word

"Hey, are you mad at me or something? Because if you are I can totally-"

Cheryl cut her best friend off by dryly letting out

''no I'm not mad, just tired"

Cheryl could sense that Veronica was going to piss her off even more than she usually did, this wasn't fair, why did Veronica just jump in and directly get Toni when Cheryl had been trying for over 3 years. She was dreading this afternoon and absolutely wanted to know every single detail on what they were going to talk about, she could just imagine them ending up in the bathroom, kissing and making out, it made her sick to her stomach just thinking of Veronica sticking her tongues inside of Toni's mouth, she got suddenly zapped out from her thoughts by the loud sound of a plate being put in front of her and the sweet smell of pancakes mixed with blueberries

"Three blueberry pancakes for miss blossom"

Cheryl watched as Toni giggled and went to it across from her, watching her smile was the best part of the day

"I can't wait for this afternoon, I mean, I'm nervous but excited and I don't know what to put on"

Cheryl tried her best to hide her eye roll as she ate her pancakes and listened to her crush speaking about her crush, it was a nightmare but she had to be there for Toni because that was how much she loved her, so she sucked it up and plastered on a fake smile, let out a small laugh and finally spoke up

"Well, I think you look great in everything and I am so happy for your date this afternoon, you have to tell me how it goes!"

She watched as Toni's smile grew even bigger and joy filled the room yet again, if she wanted Toni to be happy then that meant that she had to endure the consequences, but if one thing was clear in Cheryl's mind, it was that she hated Veronica, she had to get rid of her as soon as possible.


excuse my laziness, I'm on vacation so I'll update way more often


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