She deserved better

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Honestly i am so sorry that it took this long to update, i promise i'll try to get better at writing.

I hope you guys like this


It had been about two periods since a basic Monday at Riverdale High had started and Cheryl Blossom was dreading the moment that Reggie Mantle was going to walk through Mrs Lancester's class as he always did and kiss Toni before going to find a seat right behind her, Cheryl knew that it was for the soul purpose of staring at Toni's ass but she let Toni think that it was because he wanted to be beside her. It would kill Cheryl to break Toni's heart like that, turns out, Toni's heart did end up getting broken, just not in that way.

And just on cue, Mr Mantle walked right through that door into Cheryl's math class that she shared with Toni, he had on the biggest most arrogant smirk and didn't even bother to say hello to the teacher. Mrs Lancester had gotten so tired of making Reggie go take a late slip ,that after a couple weeks, she just let him come in without saying anything.

Cheryl could feel Toni holding her breath as Reggie walked right past her without even looking at her, not even a "sorry i messed up" , nothing. It made Cheryl crazy that Toni let him treat her like that, the worst part was that Toni was considering getting back together with him, nuts. Cheryl watched as Reggie passed his usual seat and headed over to the other side of the class, Cheryl didn't even have the courage to look at Toni, she knew that if she did, if she saw how sad she was she would get up straight away and go punch Reggie in the face straight away, instead she just turned back to face the teacher and waited patiently for the bell to ring


Boy did she have some waiting to do

The redhead could feel the disappointment radiating from her best friend and she couldn't take it anymore, she glanced over at the clock praying that it was going to ring sooner or later



Soon enough, the loud sound of bells ringing flowed threw the whole school as students filled up the halls, and emptied the classrooms, everybody had a twenty minute break and Cheryl knew that Toni was going to take this time to try and talk to Reggie. Key word, ''try''.

As the other started to leave the classroom, Toni stayed still, Cheryl could see that she was waiting for Reggie to walk out to try and talk to him.

"Come on Toni lets go, its not worth it"

Cheryl saw the determined look that the pink haired girl ad on her face and she couldn't help but think how pretty her best friend was, how on earth could Reggie even think about other girls.

"No Cheryl, I'm waiting for Reggie to walk out so that i can catch up with him and try and talk it out, i feel like i should give him a second chance and-

The redhead cut her best friend off straight away before she could let out something absurd

"No Toni, the last thing that Reggie deserves is a second chance, you deserve better than this please Toni don't do this"

Cheryl couldn't bare to watch Toni getting used like this

"Cheryl it was a mistake, everyone deserves a second chance, just let me handle this"

Cheryl sighed and spoke up

"No Toni i can't, i want you to be happy and this is not the way, don't-''

Toni cut Cheryl off from her helpless debating

"You know what Cheryl, if you really want me to be happy then why don't you just let me be for today, take a chill pill or something"

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