hangovers and regrets

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Bright rays of sunlight blasted through the window and pass the curtains, bathing both girls in vitamin C. The night had gone by pretty fast and the morning came too soon. As light filled the deep colored room, Cheryl slightly opened her eyes, closing them straight away due to the brightness. She barely even had the time to get her brain started when she heard small and faint noises, almost moans, coming from beside her, and that's when it all came flooding right back in. She then felt something tighten her around her waist and as she looked down, she saw the smallest and smoothest caramel tinted arm, wrapped around her , pulling her closer than ever to her best friend. As she leaned back, she threw a glance at the pink haired girl and quickly turned away as she caught sight of her perfectly toned abs and thighs, her chest rising and falling every second and her head laid on the pillow beside hers, she had completely forgotten about last night and to be honest, she was too tired to even remember . The red head let out a small sigh and dozed back off to sleep, completely forgetting that it was a Tuesday morning and that she had school in less than an hour.

"agh, my head"

Cheryl woke up roughly to the sound of her best friend making loud sounds every second, instantly regretting last night.

"Wh-what time is it?"

The red head let out a small yawn as she spoke and reached for her phone to check the time, something that she would soon regret. As she turned on her phone, the girl squinted her eyes and tried to make out the numbers that were laid out on the mobile, her vision was still blurry and her eyes closed automatically every minute

"10:30 A.M.! Toni, shit, we slept in! The school is probably calling our parents trying to find out where we are and-"

Toni rolled her eyes as she put her hand on her head to massage the pain away

"Hey, hey calm down, don't worry it's just one day, we can call in sick ourselves, plus it's not like either of our parents cared if we were at school or not"

Toni was right, their parents didn't care which made Cheryl feel mixed emotions, mostly relief but a drop of sadness was visible on her face

"Okay, if you say so...Are you feeling any better from last night? Wait first of all, do you remember anything?"

Cheryl made a cringe face as she finished her sentence and stared at Toni, which was just barely peeking her head out from the covers

"Um, well i guess i could say that i remember enough of it to know what happened"

The pink haired girl said as she got up to change positions, therefore causing the deep red material to fall off from her, the girl's body was now pretty much exposed, as the bright rays of sunshine exposed her tanned bare skin

"Oh geez, i'm sorry um...i totally forgot that i had slept in this, let me just get dressed or something or-"

Toni moved to get up and head towards the drawers before even finishing her sentence, giving a perfect view of her rounded ass, Cheryl could tell that Toni exercised, i mean, every single inch of her body was either toned or rounded. Her backside was smooth and her waist went in, Cheryl was practically drooling by the time her friend had arrived at the drawers. She then admired as Toni took out an over sized grey shirt and slipped it on, it went down to her knees so she didn't bother putting on shorts.

"So um, how are you? Do you want to talk about last night or..."

Cheryl said as Toni walked back to the bed, her hair cascading down her back and falling in her eyes.

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