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Pie was taking a shower when Kim got back to their room after her training. Evenings were the usual highlight of her days. It's the time when she can get to talk to Pie to catch things up, eat dinner together, and just spend the entire evening with her.

But something on the bed drained all the excitement in Kim's body.

"Flowers? From whom?" Kim whispered to herself. She waited a bit to see if the shower will stop running before looking at the card attached to the flower.

Thank you for always making my day complete. -Mike

"Mike?" Kim's eyebrows furrowed. She started asking herself what the message meant. Was Pie doing something to him to make his day complete or is he just being mushy?

Kim heard the bathroom door open and immediately went to her closet, pretending to fix her stuff.

"Kim, is that you?" asked Pie, stepping out of the bathroom.


"Did you just arrive?"


"Something wrong?" asked Pie, walking over to her closet.

"Nothing. I'm just... hungry."

"Me too. I'm gonna message Jane so we can meet up in the canteen."

Kim walked over to the bed and pretend to just notice the flowers. "From an admirer?"

Pie smiled. "I dunno. Maybe."

"Well, I can tell, based on his message. Who's Mike? You never mentioned him before."

"He's a transfer student. Quite a hottie. A lot of girls are already drooling over him."

Kim didn't like what she heard so she inquired further, "Do you think he's hot too?"

"Hmm. He's a nice boy..." said Pie, typing on her phone.

"Is he like courting you now?"

"I dunno. He never said anything. He just gave me those flowers after school."

"If he asks you out, will you go out with him?"

Pie looked up from her phone and smiled. "You're not jealous, are you?"

Kim looked away immediately. "I'm just... I just want to know the guys you're going to date... I want to get to know them first so I can approve them."

Pie chuckled. "Wow. So, you're like my dad now?"

"No. I just want to make sure none of those guys will hurt you, in case you decide to finally date."

"I'm too young to date, Kim. I haven't really thought about it that much," said Pie, looking back at her phone. "Besides, why do I need someone to date if I have you to take care of me, right?"

Kim just smiled. "Totally right, Pie."

Pie's phone beeped. "Let's go. Jane's already waiting for us there."

Kim felt at ease that night. However, as days go by, Pie kept on receiving those flowers. Kim is starting to feel jealous seeing Pie slowly starting to like receiving those from Mike.

Aside from that, she started hearing Jane mention Mike's name several times now, giving Kim the impression that Pie's telling her best friend something that she's not telling Kim.

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