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Kim and Katrien went back into the room and saw Conan, Yam, and Zee all standing and looking out the window.

"What's our status?" asked Kim, putting down Katrien to make sure the kid won't see what's outside.

"There's a lot of them, Cap. And they are attacking the barriers," said Yam. Kim peeked through the window too and saw Evens lurking just outside Sanctuary Four.

"It would probably take them about 30 minutes to get past the barrier and in here," said Zee. She turned to the others. "Why do you guys think they're all here now?"

"They're probably starving and knows that we're here," said Conan. "I experienced the same when I was assigned in Jinhwa. Most of the Evens were aggressive as they haven't eaten for weeks. Maybe that's the reason for the attack this morning too. That's one proof that this area is going to be Even-free soon."

"But how come they gather just around here?" asked Yam.

"Blood," said Kim, turning to the team. "They can still sense the blood from the attack that happened earlier. And the movement they detect from us tells them that we're preys. This is going to be perfect for the bombing later."

"Speaking of bombing, why don't we try using one of the Retter bombs doc Puey gave us?" said Zee, holding the bomb in front of everyone. "Maybe it'll help clear a path for us."

"Good idea, Zee. Let's go ahead and try that." Kim gestured outside and Zee followed her.

"Eat this, assholes!" Zee detonated the bomb and threw it outside Sanctuary Four.

"Be careful with the words, Zee! There's a child in here!" shouted Yam from the inside.

They waited for a few seconds but nothing happened.

Zee went back in. "The prototype's not working, Cap. I'm sure I've detonated it."

Kim scratched her head absently, disappointed. "I guess we'd have to clear the road first. It's either we attack them now or we wait for them to attack us."

"There are about 3 pairs of Evens in sight, Cap," said Conan, peeking through the window. "Zee, Yam, and I could take them down in about 15 to 20 minutes."

Kim shook her head. "No. That'll leave you exhausted right away. We still have a long way to go. Plus, with that time span, one of them might actually get in here. I say we all go out together and we'll take them down by pair. I'll pair up with Conan. Yam and Zee, you work together."

Zee smirked. Yam just rolled her eyes. "But what about Katrien, Cap?"

Kim looked at the little kid who's staring up innocently at them. "It's best if we'll leave her here in the Sanctuary for now while we clear the path."

"You sure about this, Cap?" asked Conan.

"She'll be safer here." Kim stopped down to level the kid's eyes. "Hey, sweetie. You're a good girl, right?"

"Mmm-mmm. Vewy good giwl." Katrien nodded.

"Good. Now, me and the others are going to go out for a few minutes to clean up the road for you. Could you promise me that you'll stay here while waiting for us?"

The kid looked at everyone again, before looking back at Kim and smiling. "I pwomise."

"That's my girl." Kim patted Katrien's head. She stood up. "We'll be going now. Stay here."

The kid hugged Kim's leg. "Katrien will wait fow you hewe."

"Awe, she really likes you, Cap," said Yam. "So, cute."

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