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Katrien felt sleepy after dinner. Kim, Conan, Yam, and Zee took is as a sign that the party's over. However, Katrien had a slight tantrum attack and wouldn't allow Kim to go home yet. In the end, Conan, Yam, and Zee decided to wait outside while Kim waits for the kid to fall asleep in her arms.

"I'm sorry for bothering you so much tonight," said Pie's mom, helping Kim tuck Katrien to bed.

"It's alright ma'am. I want to spend more time with her too. I don't know when I'll be able to see her again."

The older lady sighed. "It's gonna be hard for us tomorrow to explain why you won't be able to visit here for a while."

"It'll just take a few days. I'm sure she'll forget me eventually." That thought made Kim sad. She stood up from the bed. "I guess this is it. I should be going now, ma'am. Thank you for the nice dinner. Please extend my gratitude to Pie as well."

"Uh, Kim?"


"I know you never expect me to say this... but could you please say goodbye to Pie too before you go?"

Kim noticed that the older lady looked serious. "M-ma'am..."

"It's just that she hasn't been herself since you confirmed that you'd come tonight. I don't know what's happening with her."

Kim looked down and exhaled. Deep inside she wants to talk to Pie too, but she's afraid that it may break all her defenses, causing her more pain.

"Please, Kim?"

Kim couldn't understand why she can't say no to the woman. Maybe because that's what she really wants to happen. She finally nodded. "I will..."

"Thank you. She's in her room, in her old room. I told her to wait there for me while I escort you outside. I have a feeling that she doesn't want to see you go, like before."

"It's always as equally as hard for me, ma'am."

Pie's mom smiled. "She never let Peter stay in that room. Whenever they visit here, they stay in the guest room instead. I don't know why. But maybe she's trying to preserve some of your memories there."

Kim felt her confidence building up a bit with what she heard. Even so, that didn't stop her from feeling nervous. "I should say my goodbyes to her now, ma'am. I don't want to keep the others waiting outside."

The older woman nodded. Kim left the room after that.


Kim has been staring at that familiar door to Pie's room for two minutes now, her heart beating louder with each second passing by. She took another deep breath before finally getting the courage to knock three times.

"Come in..." said Pie from the inside.

Kim's hand on the doorknob is trembling and sweaty. She turned it to open the door, stepped inside, and closed it.

Pie turned around at the sound. "Mom, did they -- oh."

Kim slightly smiled after seeing Pie's shocked face. But deep inside she felt sad too. They weren't like this before. Pie usually run towards her in excitement and jumping onto her for a big hug. Not like this.

"Your mom asked me to say goodbye to you..." said Kim, trying to look calm as much as she could.

"S-she did?" Pie looked more surprised. "I'm sorry. Dunno what's gotten into her."

"Me neither. Wish she could've been like that years ago."

Pie folded her arms and looked away, smiling. Kim scratched her neck, smiling as well at their inside joke.

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